General Poetry posted September 12, 2010 Chapters:  ...64 65 -66- 67... 

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fun during the holidays

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

Holiday Season

by Angel Debbie

Holiday Season

Christmas time comes once a year
This year I'm not going to shed a tear!

I have a very special person who's in my life
I may not be be troved as his loving wife

But all the same Christmas will be a joyous time
Where all the hearts around me will certainly chime

With many smiles and loud laughter galore
No more tears or sadness, I no what I'm smiling for!

I have a family again to love and spoil
Got to remember not to forget the oil

I'm going to bake special cookies for the children's treats
They'll be spoiled with all the loving sweet treats they eat!

Angel is looking forward to the snow once more
Just to watch the children run and play outside her door!

Enjoying themselves getting all cold and wet
Coming in later all nice and pooped I just bet!

Hot chocolate better be ready to warm their hearts and souls
This is one time where Angel better make them goals,

Freezing little hands and feet are counting on me
Rob and the warm-hearted children of three!

Come sit by the fire and warm right up
There's hot cocoa with marshmallows in your cup

Drink it slow let it warm your heart and soul
This is your new Moms wholesome goal.

For she loves each and everyone of you
And doesn't want your tiny hearts to be blue!

With love always

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