Spiritual Poetry posted September 4, 2010 Chapters:  ...55 56 -57- 58... 

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See and hear the beauty all around you!

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life


by Angel Debbie


Take a walk with me
Let's take a look at what we can see!

God, has created beauty for us to enjoy
We'll pretend we are just a little girl and boy!

Discovering what is beautiful all around us all over again
As it was many moons, way back when

As we walk lets hold hands, just as God intended us to be.
Look around see all the beautiful colors God has for us to see.

The dirt that we walk upon even has a beauty
From it dear you were created, you cutie!

Beautiful are the nuts that have fallen from its tree
Beautiful is the sound of the buzzing bumblebee

Beautiful are the little creatures stirring around this wooded domain
All these wonderful things to see, we just can't complain!

If not for our ears to hear the songs of this earth
We wouldn't hear the cry of a new baby either at its birth

If not for our eyes to see what is around us
We wouldn't know what beauty God has intended for us thus,

If not for our heart and soul to send out Gods love
We would be nothing, not a tweeting bird or even a cooing dove.

God has blessed us in so many ways
Slow down, take a look it will set you mind in a daze.

Beauty is in the eye of those who behold
It's also a long story that can be told.

For God created the Earth in seven days
Look around see through your haze...

The beauty within for He hath created
Even man and woman to be mated...

A pleasure not to be taken so lightly
For God made woman from man He changed her slightly

To appeal to man for comfort and love
Only to create a family to serve Him, above...

To spread the loving word that he hath wrote for all to see and hear.
Serve Him the Lord, hold him close to your heart, and oh so dear.

So your beauty will shine,
Just as yours and mine!

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