Spiritual Poetry posted August 26, 2010 Chapters:  ...44 45 -46- 47... 

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Depression , Suffering, God Cures

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

Sorrow for thy Self

by Angel Debbie

Sorrow for thy Self
Everyone tells me I'm loving and giving
And they want is all my forgiving!
What is wrong with me?
Why are men so afraid of me?
If I am so loving and giving,
Why am I miserably living?
I only give what the good book says to do.
I am a woman to man, I'm true.
I give all the love I know how.
I should be tipping my hat and bending to bow!
For the love I give, I don't get in return...
Oh my heart breaks and it does churn.
For the warm touch of a human man;
Not the warm breeze of a summer fan.
Am I that bad to look at?
Am I that ugly and fat that I look like a river rat?
Men want to use me for my generosity...
And to peek their manly curiosity...
Of who I am and not deep down inside.
This woman, then again cries...
"Why Lord can't they see?"
All I want is to be treated tenderly.
I want to cuddle and be touched.
This I yearn for oh, so very much...
I want them to talk to me, I do have a voice.
Who knows they may learn something and rejoice!
I'm no dummy to this world!
Like a baton that is twirled.
Love is there deep within my soul wanting out...
This only angers me and I want to shout...
God, "Why can't they see?"
"All I want is to be loved and touched tenderly?"
Men have tried and failed...
Now this woman feels so jailed.
Behind the bars she does sit
Biting her nails, saliva to spit!
To release this almighty grit, God hold out Your hand, Your catcher's mitt.
I need to release all this my anger with one spit.
Patience I need for the next new coming seed
I just hope and pray it will fill my need.
Just hold me Lord until this is all through
So my life will be back on track with You.
For now I am building You a pond filled with my tears.
That have been pent up for a lot of years.
Send Your boat when the time comes near,
So I may climb it's ladder without a tear.
For then I'll know peace has returned,
And my loving life won't be burned.
For the water will stop, the boat will float...
The grass will green for the billy goat.
Plenty of green for miles can be seen.
I won't need my body and soul to be mean.
My heart will freely beat...
This will be a thankful treat!
For Your Love, has set thou free;
Again, to just be me!

This is a deep emotional day of depression and how it was handled with the grace of our God involved to save the day!
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