Spiritual Poetry posted July 31, 2010 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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A Prayer from a dying man

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life

Paul's Dying Prayer

by Angel Debbie

I am dying Lord, hear my prayer,
My name is Paul, and I'm so scared.

My soul, I wish to put in your hands,
Please don't play those, loud marching bands.

My days are numbered, this I know.
In Your arms, I want to lie just so...

I need comfort in the days to come...
Give Your love to my Daughter Tiesha and Ronald my Son.

For I, their Father am dying, slowly, day by day...
These children, I will leave behind and have to stay.

I pray for their guidance, from You above;
Show them the proper type, of Your love.

They will need that, oh so bad;
I am sorry, but I will be leaving them and I'm so sad...

That my time on Earth is coming to an end,
I will love them till the day I ascend.

To the heavens up above and through the gate...
To catch up with Lee my life long, Soul Mate!

For there we will reunite and rehash the past,
And join our love, once again at last!

I've been so lonely without her, Dear Lord,
Sometimes I hear her voice of the one I adored!

Lord, please tell Lee for me, it's the end to my life...
And I can't wait to once again, see my Dear Sweet Wife!

Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer,
From me, Paul a man, afraid and a little scared.


write a prayer contest entry


Please note the name Tom in original contest poem was changed to the real mans name I wrote this for who has since passed away. May he rest in peace.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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