Spiritual Poetry posted July 30, 2010 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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Only the Lord can save our souls and our Earth.

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life


by Angel Debbie

As the Earth rapidly dies...
I can hear the peoples' cries,

Am I just dreaming?
Or are there people really screaming?

A big flash comes across the skies,
Is this why all the peoples' cries.

Is this the end of the Earth?
And will there be a new rebirth?

"Yes," God had replied,
As I close my eyes and silently died.

For only those who live by my rules shall live,
Those who don't their souls they'll give.

For I am the Almighty One...
With the Lord Jesus Christ as my Son.

For one day this Earth will be reborn,
And the skies will no longer be torn.

Trees and flowers will bloom again,
The sun will shine only when...

The evil is cleaned off the Earth.
Then you'll see it's much needed new birth.

Then once again peace and harmony will reign;
With no longer any pain

For I am the Almighty One
Believe in me and Jesus my Son.

For we have the power
To stop your world from becoming sour.

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