Spiritual Poetry posted July 29, 2010 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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Short story of me an Angel.

A chapter in the book Emotions of Love and Life


by Angel Debbie


Why do angels hurt so much?
Why do angels feel without a touch?

Why do angels love to feel?
Why is it such a great big deal?

Angels are people who care so deep down inside.
That they can feel so much hurt inside.

Tender, sweet and gentle as can be.
This is me, this angel, crying you see.

I am an angel, without any wings
With my smiles I bring great things.

I bring you happiness, with nothing to lose,
I bring you clothing and give you shoes

I give my love so freely away,
Yesterday, tomorrow and not to forget today!

Why do Angels smile?
Why do Angels disappear for a while?

Why do Angels lose their smile?
Its because their hurting by the mile.

Recoup the hurt with the Lord above.
He holds out the hurting glove

Deposit all the hurt inside
You'll be glad you're by His side.

Your smiles will return once freedom comes again
Then you're free to love again.

Starting over on the next new soul
This is what is your Godly goal.

Angels from a high are sent to you from God above
Greeting you with all their Love.

Look for an Angel if you can find one.
Live your life and have some fun!!

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