General Fiction posted June 16, 2010 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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Opinion on the Address to the Nation+more.

A chapter in the book Take Me Back To The Good Ol' USA

Another Waltz

by LovnPeace

I watched the President give his speech tonight, in spite of my weak stomach. I felt I should, so I could see for myself, and not just take someone else's commentary on it. Not much new from our esteemed President. A push for his agenda, as usual, on Cap and Trade/Tax.

A blown-up bragging, of all, the administration has done, in their immediate response of the oil crisis. From the beginning, I'm paraphrasing on this. I call it blown-up to keep from calling him an out and out liar. No need for that, as Americans knows the truth.

It seems to me, that BP has already said, they will pay for their responsibility, in this matter, more than once now. In an effort to look effective after his wishy-washy handling of this crisis, he is now becoming a bully. Threatening, with empty threats, instead of working with BP.

As usual to back track his usual knee-jerk reactions, he is finally meeting with BP. If he continues to bash the company and forces them out of business, where will the money come from to help the people?

Who will manage this fund, which BP had already agreed to? The new government committee/commission? Another Czar of the Chicago mob? You think people will get their money any faster? PLEASE! Be real.

Knowing full well, that the British are becoming annoyed at his continual bashing, he continues to alienate anyway. Now, I am no genius, but do pretty well at reading people. It seems to me, that he is deliberately trying to distance us from our allies. First Israel and now the British. Of course we ARE getting snugger with the Middle East.

I truly do not understand how rational people cannot see where we are heading. I almost said, in this leadership. What leadership? I have been told Europeans love him. Gee send him there and he won't feel obliged to sink us as Much of Europe is being sunk. If we continue on the path he is leading us on, we will be sunk.

I don't have the answers. I am merely a peon, concerned citizen, but I know there is someone out there, with the moxie and know how to dethrone this inept menace. The most I CAN DO, IS KEEP A VIGILANT WATCH. SPEAK OUT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND VOTE.

Something about our Speaker of the House--- This is copied and pasted and is posted as is:

JUNE 15, 2010

Pelosi: Ethics Are Overrated
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is sending private signals that she is willing to support watering down the powers of the Office of Congressional Ethics.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is sending private signals that she is willing to support watering down the powers of the Office of Congressional Ethics, the panel she and fellow Democrats created last year to serve as a new watchdog on congressional misconduct.
Susan Crabtree of The Hill newspaper reports on a meeting late in May between members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Speaker Pelosi. The Speaker heard a litany of complaints about the OCE's aggressiveness and its public release of documents that reflected badly on the reputations of members. Both Ms. Pelosi and House Whip Jim Clyburn indicated sympathy with the complaints, agreeing that the ethics office's operations had resulted in unintended consequences.
Shortly after the meeting, Ohio Democrat Marcia Fudge and 19 other members of the Congressional Black Caucus introduced legislation to reduce the office's powers to investigate wrongdoing. No one expects the legislation to go anywhere, but it may be a stalking horse for an attempt to change the House's rules late this year should Democrats retain control after November.
The Office of Congressional Ethics, which is largely composed of former members, was created in 2008 by Democrats who vowed to establish a more ethical Congress. As Speaker Pelosi said at the time: "We have come here to drain the swamp. The New Direction Congress will for the first time open the ethics process up to the participation of our fellow citizens, which will make this institution more accountable." Now it would appear that the OCE has become an inconvenience or threat to some Members.
Rep. Artur Davis, an Alabama Democrat who is leaving Congress at the end of this year, is one member of the Congressional Black Caucus who thinks his colleagues are making a mistake. "There was a problem a few years ago with corruption in this institution, and that's why [the OCE] was created," he says. "I would hate to see the leadership walk away from this commitment."
Other Members are even more pointed in their criticism of those who would water down the powers of the OCE.
"The cynical among us would assert that the people crying the loudest have the most to hide," Rep. Tim Johnson, an Illinois Republican, said in a statement. "Perhaps the OCE is a victim of its own success. If it weren't making a difference, we wouldn't be having this conversation."


The beginning of this writing is my opinion. To continue in my opinion, it is my belief, this administration is not only unethical, it is down right crooked. This President lied in his promises, with no intention of keeping them. His intentions, appear to me, to be quite sinister at best.

His main concern from my view, is the promoting of his own personal agenda. I believe his other desire is much darker, with little real concern for the welfare of the American people.

He truly is out to make a name for himself, and leave his mark on History. He will do that, even if it is a bad mark.

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