Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 25, 2010 Chapters:  ...2 3 -3- 4... 

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A chapter in the book Take Me Back To The Good Ol' USA

Blindsided /Shellgame

by LovnPeace

How can anyone
having even half an interest
in todays political picture
still deny what is going on

Rationalizing criminality
like a drunk finishing a fifth
getting a DUI and stating
they have no drinking problem

Things are being done so underhanded
to our faces like a flaunt
a smug smirk I witnessed

No meassure given our alies
yet encouraging terrorists
even bowing to their evil
the Chicago mob in suits

How can any
caring person still deny
the excrement bath we're taking
(Trying to clean it up)
I personally call it shit bath

Our beloved Constitution
which made this country strong
is being ripped asunder

I do not know how
to put this in pretty words
the moral core is virtually gone
any means is now becoming the norm

Are we in such a case of hopelessness
that we are paralized
Have we become so desensitized
we just look the other way

How can we let these things happen
it is more daring that I would have dreamed
even when I knew this man was a ruse
little did I suspect how dangerous he was

He is not a gentle man
leading us down a kinder path
nor mearly a pervayer of pretty rhetoric
he has a much more sinister agenda

For God sake wake up
and above all pray

Yes pray
that is what we were built on

That is what "They" are trying to ban
they being
"Those who would rule"
Without the principles we are
for now
still built on

For those who don't think this is poetry I say...not all poetry is pretty, rhymy writing. For me it is writing from the mind, heart and soul. Feelings very strong and personal. Something with meaning to the author. It is ok to disagree. This is my writing, ergo my poetry.

So many of us US citizens feel desperate to right this wrong. I am berefit with angst as I know so many others are also. It is called fear for where we are headed. Stonger than anxiety at this point for me.
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