Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 8, 2010 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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A chapter in the book Take Me Back To The Good Ol' USA

Snow In Spring

by LovnPeace

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.
Promises shattered like shards of glass
not petals from the flowering retoric
spewed effortlessly
like expelled gas

the smell permeates
echos fill the chambers and spread
across the land
a resounding NO

health care is a smoke screen
taking attention away from pressing issues
trying to place a stamp in history
it will
like plunging crap down a toilet

there is no true leadership
bowing to enemy leaders
we apologize to no one
but bow our heads in embarrasment

blow job after blow job
in an effort to convince us we are not
being fucked
a snow job as new life pushes to reign

we will withstand this plague

I find it so difficult to understand that so many people couldn't see through his crap.
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