General Poetry posted July 20, 2008

This work has reached the exceptional level

Curvature of Grace

by Helvi2

Contest Winner 

Swan design ~ Reading instructions in Author's Notes

..................................C ..............U....................................................................................................
...............................C ...................A.........................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...

.............................  .......
......................................................................  ...................
.      ..        ..
.            .................
S........L.................. Y.....@.....P.....O.......................S
........,,,,.............. .
@........O..............L.............................. S........@.....W
..........................E........................Carriage, regal
............................C.....................Nature's heirloom..@..............  @..............................,,,,,,,,,
showcase....@...................,..,D...........................  ,,,,,,,,,,,,
.                              S.............,,..@@@@@.@.................... ,,,,, E............................ ....,,,,,,,,,
...............                        .@..............................................        ,R.....................................,,,,,,,,,
of soft ruffled feathers, decorate azure waters of blue   .................
..,,,,,,,,,,,..........Accenting each lissome motion  against a bluish hue.....................   . 
.................Like lacy winged ballerinas pirouetting on wings of a dove........
...............Each has the grace of an Angel that drifted from Heaven above..




Contest Winner


Reading Instructions
start ...on left side of swans neck with Curvaceous reading downward.. follow around the body to tail feathers, stop

Return to left side and begin at beak ( letter A) read from left to right over the swans head and finish at ...pose

Read the swans wing inside
Drop below swan and read across the water

I wanted to try something delicate and graceful for the visual contest so I thought I'd try a swan. I wrote the poem first then worked on formating the design. I finally got it all together, but our beloved editor woildn't give me smooth edges on the background. I hope you'll take that into consideration when reviewing. Microsoft doesn't seem to cause these problems.

I hope you enjoy the view and poem
Thanks for stopping by and reading
Helvi :o)
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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