General Non-Fiction posted June 10, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Some like unbalanced

Feng Shui

by gansach

It started as a favor.
"Please feed my cat while I'm gone."
After feeding, I did some cleaning. Just to help. Then I did some rearranging. Much better flow. Good energy. Pleasant placement.
"What happened here?" she asked, frowning.
"Just creating a happy space for you." I smiled.
"I thought I had one," she mumbled as she began to shift things back. "What's this?" Staring at the fern.
"Just a little greenery."
"I kill greenery. Neglect."
"I see." I swallowed. "Will you need me while you're on that business trip?"
A silence.
"No, that's okay."
So much for Feng Shui.

True Story Flash contest entry

Post Number 50
A Milestone Post

Lesson learned--don't mess with anyone's living space no matter how well-intentioned.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by helvi2 at

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