General Poetry posted May 26, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
And ready to lose it

Topsy ~ Turvy

by Debi Pick Marquette

Upside down Contest Winner 

I'm visa-versa, versa-visa

It's never been this bad before

I'm upside down, can't laugh or frown

I'm not sure I can take much more

You said it's fun, not for this one

And suddenly I have a hunch

My head is rushed, my face feels flushed

And I'm about to lose my lunch

I'm inside out, I want to shout

I'm topsy - turvy, in this place

My mind is blown, somewhere unknown

I think my bottom's lost in space

There goes my spine, Patsy decline

And now I'm in a backwards slide

I feel so rough, I've had enough

I need off this carnival ride

Writing Prompt
Write a nonsense poem about a day where everything goes upside down. The rhyme scheme is ABCB.

Upside down
Contest Winner


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