General Fiction posted May 22, 2024

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a story

Where is Thumbkin?

by Bill Schott

Bill sat alone in his dining room when the thought occurred to him: Where is Thumbkin?

Looking at his right hand he noticed his thumb was at attention.

“Here I am!” shouted the thumb.

“Where is Pointer?” asked Bill of Thumbkin.

“Here I am!” yelled Bill’s index finger, pointing at him. 

“Where is Tall Man?” asked Bill of Pointer.

“You lookin’ for me, Dude!?” shouted the middle finger, moving to six inches from Bill’s eyes.

“Seen Ringo?”  asked Bill. 

“Here I am, Sir” said a curled and weak-looking ring finger.

“Okay, where is PInky?” asked Bill of Ringo.

“How should I know, Sir?” sniveled the ring finger.  “Am I my finger’s keeper?”

“Where did that ring come from?” asked Bill, looking at the ring around Ringo.

“Cracker Jack prize,” replied the bent appendage. 

“Tumbuddy wookin’ fa Pinky?!” chirped the little finger. 

Bill looked up over the table and saw his wife staring at him.

“Doing the mirror universe next?” she asked, before returning to the reading of her novel. 


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