General Fiction posted May 20, 2024

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A fun day that could have been a tragedy

How to Save a Life

by gansach

"This is the best field trip," thought Carmen.
She'd just finished a game of water tag with the older kids. Now she was planted between the shallow and deep areas of the little lake, keeping an eye on older and younger charges.
Several youngers were vying for her attention. "Miss Carmen, watch me put my face under!"
Smiling, she noticed Morgan bobbing in front of her, face submerged.
But Morgan wasn't coming up!
Carmen reached and grabbed her, giving her a tight hug to push swallowed water from her.
Morgan sputtered, gasped a breath.
"I've got you, sweetie! You're okay!"

Flash 100 writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. But you can only use 100 words. Exactly. Title does not count in the word count.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by supergold at

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