General Flash Fiction posted May 20, 2024

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100 words Flash Fiction

The Race

by Mark Jackson

Eric had been watching the Olympics, basking in USA success. Brian, his brother, suggested they run; using their arms, like swimmers, to go faster. They went outside to the sidewalk, lined up together on the asphalt.


They started, but soon Brian was ahead, that was bound to happen he had a two-year head start. Pounding legs and windmilling arms, Eric was a blur of motion.

Then it happened.

Brian ventured Eric’s body had been going too fast for his legs to keep up. As Brian picked his little brother up and helped him inside, Eric didn’t cry.

Olympians don’t.

Flash 100 writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. But you can only use 100 words. Exactly. Title does not count in the word count.

Two brothers experience the highs and lows of the Olympic Games from Los Angeles in 1984. The USA won a total of 174 medals that year including 84 golds.
Flash Fiction 100 words (as counted by MS Word).
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