General Poetry posted May 18, 2024

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A poem about quirkiness


by Jill D

She's a little bit weird
Well maybe alot
She's a soft demure smile but shy she is not
She's quirky
She's fun
She'll cause your head to be spun

Her eyes are amazing
She is too
Don't overload her with compliments until after her morning brew
She dreams of riding Harley's in Hawaii
With God only knows
If she wasn't so fussy
She'd have a long list of beaus

She's sweet but psycho
It's part of her charm
Though no one would believe she could make you disarm
She's the Queen of Screen
Nobody does it better
She has her own fashion style
She's a total trendsetter

She's extremely intelligent but tell you she's dumb
She's a fabulous figure
Right down to her bum
She loves the Sun
The Moon
The Stars
She even loves rainfall
A romantic at heart
No way
Not at all

She's beautiful on the inside
On the outside too
Admiring her face will cause your heart to race
She loves Angels
She loves Oceans
She also loves Trains
She's an interest in everything
She's a superbrain

She loves watches
Delicate bracelets
Any jewellery with bling
But she'll keep her wedding finger free of a gold ring

She'll dance when she's tipsy
She sings in the shower
She won't be content with just one superpower
She's in love with her bed so tends to run late
Her sign is aquarius
Don't hold your breath for a date

She's amorous
She's flirtatious 
Though she won't be persued
She'll be mad about you for a moment or two
She's free as a bird
She's totally unattainable
If she ever leaves she'll be so irreplaceable

Linkin Park and BTS she's an avid music lover
Drink with her at your peril
You'll take a long time to recover
Her mum's broth stew is her favourite food
Play 1000 questions
Her answers depend on her mood

She'll drive you to distraction and even to drink
You'll think you have her
Then she'll make your heart sink
She's elegant
She's winsome
She's also a nutter
A wicked smile revealing her mind's in the gutter

She's kind
She's caring
She'll be there for you
Don't take her for granted whatever you do
She's pensive
She's dreamy
She wears skirts that are steamy

She gives the best hugs
To this I can attest
She's a great sense of humour
And will laugh as you jest
Her razor sharp wit goes over her own head
Don't try and outdo her
Enjoy her instead.

A poem about a Woman contest entry

The First Milestone
This authors first post!
A Milestone Post

So this poem is about one of my nursing colleagues, her name is Luxy (LoL ...Love of Luxy) and when she shouts we jump but her bark is worse than her bite... :)
Queen of Screen - this refers to screening a patient.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Raoul D'Harmental at

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