Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted May 18, 2024

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Tuning into life rhythms - 2

by Cogitator

From the moment of conception, we are inherently equipped with a profound knowledge of our existence. The fusion of sperm and ovum initiates a remarkable journey of physical formation, guided by the intricate blueprint within our DNA. This genetic code is the cornerstone of our development, orchestrating the creation of our organs and enabling interaction with our surroundings. For a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, Michel Foucault's "Archaeology of Knowledge" is an invaluable resource.

This inherent wisdom is not unique to humans but a fundamental trait of all organic life. An acorn inherently possesses the blueprint to become a towering oak tree, just as an eagle chick is predestined to soar even before it emerges from its shell. This innate knowledge is flawless, encompassing the entirety of truth.

Self-education is the journey of uncovering our authentic selves, a quest facilitated by our DNA, which harbors the collective wisdom of our ancestors. As we evolve, we continue to amass knowledge, furthering the legacy of our lineage.

Our innate knowledge can be likened to a computer's Operating System (OS), a necessary framework that defines its operational environment and communication protocols. The OS empowers the system to expand its capabilities through applications, enhancing its foundational state of awareness. In computing, every interaction is distilled into three core functions: Input, Process, and Output. Similarly, humans utilize their senses and intuition to navigate their environment, applying knowledge to generate desired outcomes.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer is the epicenter of knowledge processing. In humans, this function is mirrored by the cerebral hemispheres, which collaborate via the Corpus Callosum to synthesize emotion and logic into decisive action. Unlike other species, humans possess the unique ability to develop complex applications beyond mere survival, leveraging this capacity for a multitude of purposes.

In infancy, human beings require nurturing and protection, a period typically marked by joy for both the child and parents. During this formative phase, a child's experiences lay the foundation for lifelong impressions, shaping their pursuit of comfort and well-being.

A child's intuitive understanding of hunger or discomfort stems from their biological Operating System, which is hardwired with the principles of Balance and Sequence. This system diligently monitors and regulates vital functions to maintain homeostasis. The wisdom to sustain such equilibrium is an ancestral gift, embedded within us, negating the need for formal education to master these essential processes.

As social beings, we are acutely aware of our surroundings. The familial bonds of love and guidance foster our growth and sense of belonging. Venturing beyond the family unit, we begin to form friendships and learn through interaction, with each experience enriching our internal tapestry of memories. The initial years of life are often the most blissful and uninhibited, characterized by a fearless exploration of the world.

However, as we mature, we encounter societal and cultural barriers shaped by the prevailing knowledge of our parents, educators, and peers. These obstacles often manifest in the form of restrictions, epitomized by the word "NO," which we encounter with increasing frequency as we approach the Age of Reason.

Society imposes upon us a plethora of "apps" deemed essential, shaping our behavior to conform to its expectations. This process of indoctrination often distorts our understanding, leading to a reliance on false knowledge that influences future decision-making. True self-education involves discerning these falsehoods and aligning with verifiable truths, allowing our genuine selves to surface.

The concept of "self" that we construct through interaction is multifaceted, encompassing identity, personality, and ego. The ego, in particular, is a protective facade that must ultimately be relinquished for our true essence to prevail. This internal conflict is a defining struggle of our existence, as we grapple with the dichotomy of what we are taught versus the inherent truth of our being.

Awareness is the key to transforming our lives. The universal desire for peace of mind transcends all other aspirations, driving us to seek freedom from worry, regret, fear, and judgment. Our ultimate goal is to embrace the beauty of creation, sharing love and compassion with all beings.

We possess two minds: the natural mind, which is all-knowing and perfect, and the ego mind, shaped by our human experiences. The latter is the root of discord on our planet, often at odds with our true desires and prone to accepting falsehoods as reality.

Our levels of understanding vary, with many individuals preoccupied with basic survival and security. Yet, literacy has empowered thinkers to differentiate between truth and fallacy. Recognizing truth can be challenging, as it requires us to confront and discard unfounded beliefs, a process that can undermine the ego's sense of self-worth.

Truth stands unapologetic, while belief is merely conjecture, holding only fragments of veracity. In a universe where all is interconnected, the notion of a separate deity is implausible. Thus, the human ego is the sole architect of malevolence and suffering, capable of deliberate deceit.

To achieve harmony, we must acknowledge the equality of all stimuli and strive to tame the selfish inclinations of the ego. As Descartes famously stated, "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore, I am"), yet it is our capacity to feel that truly informs our thoughts and actions.

Our existence is anchored in the present moment, from which we envision the boundless possibilities of infinity and eternity. While the ego may seek validation through the concept of a benevolent deity and an afterlife, the reality is that we are already part of a celestial existence.

The notion of losing awareness after attaining it defies logic, suggesting that our journey through life serves a greater purpose of enlightenment and transformation. Embracing our inherent perfection, we can transcend the ego's desires and contribute positively to the world, recognizing that it is not our physical form but the act of living that endures eternally. By envisioning a utopian existence, we take the first step toward actualizing it.

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