Romance Poetry posted May 19, 2024 Chapters: Prologue -1- 2... 

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We struck Gold

A chapter in the book Tribute to Debi & Glen Marquette

Our First 50 Years

by Debi Pick Marquette

I loved you back then, I still love you now
We married back when, we thought we knew how

So young and in love, so we would elope
We asked God above, for children, with hope

When we said I do, was like playing house
But we had no clue, of life with a spouse

Some days could be long, when we had a fight
You were Mr wrong, I was Mrs Right

With all of the tests, Docs said God forbids
But then He would bless, three miracle kids

I heard it once said, it never would last
When we go to bed, that day's in the past

As we look back now, was not always fun
But we took a vow, that made us just one

When grandkids arrive, two girls and four boys
Then we come alive, with laughter and joy

I loved you from near, loved you from afar
Now do you still fear, I wanted your car
At first what God sent, a flame to ignite
Now true love is meant, with deeper insight
He gave us this chance, to God, thanks and praise
Can I have this dance, the rest of my days

My love and my heart, still yours, Glen my Dear
It was from the start, to our 50Year

Poem of the Month contest entry



Last night we had a wonderful party given by our kids at my son's house. I wrote this poem for my husband and put it on a plaque and gave it to him at the party. Making it 50 years with my health was a dream come true for us both.

I also wanted to add my poem to the book to print it all together to take it to the partyl. It was a big hit.
A big thank you to all my awesome friends who wrote posts for us.

I would also like to take this chance to say I am so very touched by the sentiments in the reviews and in the many pm's I received.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for helping make my 50th anniversary special!

This has always been "Our Song" since the first time we heard it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to dance, but we still had an amazing time.

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