General Poetry posted May 10, 2024

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Rocking on the porch

Mint Julep Moon

by gansach

What Makes Me Happy Contest Winner 
I'm just a'lazy rockin'
with my feet up on the rail
listenin' to the rhythmic creak.
I'm lookin' at my stockin',
slightly darned and washtub pale,
but I'm too content to speak.
The woodpeckers are knockin',
bullfrogs croakin' without fail,
and the crickets sing, "neak, neak".
The time I'm not a'clockin'
as I watch the night clouds sail
and the stars begin to peek.
'Gators groan from the bayou
underneath the Spanish moss,
and I listen to their tune.
The night birds answer nigh you,
snappin' turtles splash and toss,
and the mockingbird can croon;
the Great Horned Owl will cry, "whoo!",
flitting bats the sky will cross,
eerily does laugh the loon.
Life comin' into my view
like a tasty Southern sauce
'neath the bright mint julep moon.
Moonlight on Lake Pontchartrain,
voices speakin' Cajun French,
and a sultry summer breeze.
Later on, an evenin' rain
lasting long enough to drench
as I sit and take my ease.
Rockin' to the swamp refrain~
ah, my heart would give a wrench
should I ever have to leave.
Don't think I could stand the strain
'cause I'm just that kind of wench;
give me mint julep moons, please.

Writing Prompt
Write a rhymed poem, minimum three stanzas long, on what makes you happy. Any rhyme scheme. Any style poem.

What Makes Me Happy
Contest Winner

Nothing like Southern nights on the bayou.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Ray Gordon at

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