General Fiction posted May 9, 2024

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A song and memories.....

My Butterfly of Memories

by Begin Again

"Elusive Butterfly" is a timeless song written by Bob Lind and released as a single in December 1965. It was popular when I was experiencing my first summer love. So often, the tune sneaks into my mind, and I remember a special "young love" and cherish the warm memories.

Today, as I searched through the treasured collection of past moments in my mind, I smiled at this one and sat down to write.


Somewhere, tucked deep inside the corridors of our minds, is a secret place hidden from pain and sorrow. Close your eyes and imagine a picturesque place — lush rolling hills, fields of vibrant flowers, and fish jumping as the river rolls by — something from a childhood storybook.

Exquisite fairies laugh and dance beneath the warm sunshine, enjoying the magic and beauty surrounding them. A place where fire-blowing dragons prefer to blow tiny bubbles, much to the fairies' delight, as they float across the blue sky. This is where April, a young girl with a broken heart, hoped to find.

Dion and April had been inseparable since first grade. Every day, they spent countless hours exploring the fields and playing by the riverbank, their laughter echoing through the meadows. As years passed and they grew into adulthood, April's heart grew closer and closer to Dion, never expecting the storm that broke her heart.

But life, like it does, played out differently. Dion fell ill and passed away. It didn't matter to April that it hadn't been his choice. She still felt abandoned. All she had left were the memories of the adventures they'd shared. She missed his laughter, his weird jokes, and the scent of his cologne. She missed the love they'd shared.

Each day, she roamed through the fields, sad and alone. She picked flowers and sat along the riverbank, listening to the comforting sound of the water as it rushed by, wishing that things were like they used to be.

One day, she fell asleep and found herself running through the fields with Dion, the flowers brushing against her legs as he chased her, round and round. When they reached their favorite spot along the river's edge, they sat side by side, holding hands. April's heart was bursting with love, yet she couldn't wash away the hurt.

She turned to Dion, tears streaming down her face, as she whispered, "Why did you leave me?"

His eyes reflected his love, and he wiped her tears away. "I had to go, April." He brushed his lips against her cheek and held her hand. "Listen to your heart because I will always be there, no matter where I am." With those words, he disappeared.

April awoke with a start, frantically searching for him, but she was alone. Realizing it had been a dream, she buried her face in her arms, sobbing as her grief overwhelmed her.

As she cried, a beautiful butterfly appeared, fluttering around her head and dancing from flower to flower. She watched in wonder as it landed on her outstretched hand, its wings brushing her skin, reminding her of Dion's gentle kiss.

She sat there as the sun's rays cast a brilliant glow, like glowing fairy lights dancing across the water. At that moment, she knew she would never be alone and could always feel Dion by her side.

With a smile, she stood and walked toward home, her heart filled with gratitude for their love. She hummed a song she'd heard on the radio, a tune that reminded her that Dion's love would always remain in her heart.


You might wake up some mornin'

To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind

And if you're quick enough to rise

You'll catch a fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow

Out on the new horizon

You may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings

And if the sleep has left your ears

You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you

It's only me pursuing somethin' I'm not sure of

Across my dreams with nets of wonder

I chase the bright, elusive butterfly of love

You might have heard my footsteps

Echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind

I might have even called your name

As I ran, searching for something to believe in

You might have seen me runnin'

Through the long-abandoned ruins of the dreams you left behind

If you remember something there

That glided past you, followed close by heavy breathin'

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you

It's only me pursuing somethin' I'm not sure of

Across my dreams with nets of wonder

I chase the bright, elusive butterfly of love

Across my dreams with nets of wonder

I chase the bright, elusive butterfly of love


Elusive Butterfly Lyrics by Lind Bob - Lyrics On Demand.
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