General Fiction posted May 9, 2024

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A super not funny in any way story about a girl and a duck

The Duck Stick

by C. P. Jacob

Once upon a strange time there was a girl walking through a park. Her name was Jayden, and she was eating her favorite food in the whole world, Turkish Delight. Why she liked it so much is a mystery to everyone. (Including me, and I'm the one writing this). Whatever the reason that she liked it so much isn’t important. But it's important that we know she was eating her Turkish Delight while walking through a zoo. 
While she was happily munching away near a lake, Jayden saw some ducks in the water quacking as loudly as they could. She stared at the ducks for a while, then a boy came over. "Hello," she said. Instead of replying the boy snatched a piece of her Turkish Delight and fed it to the closest duck. 
The girl was so angry she fumed with a raging fire of hatred. She chased after the duck ready to follow it to even China to retreive her precious Turkish Delight. 
The duck swam until it reached the edges of th lake. And there it saw a stick. Not just any old stick though. This stick was special. VERY special. What, you may ask, makes this stick so special? Well, you see, my friends, this stick was a duck stick. It holds power we can only dream of. 
The duck quacked with joy but Jayden grabbed the stick first. She turned the boy into a chicken and sent him to the Great Wall of China. She then turned to the duck with malice glinting in her raging eyes. She reached for her Turkish Delight. But the duck swallowed it. All of it. Every last crumb. 
Then the duck looked up at Jayden with hopeful eyes and asked in the most creepily human of voices, "May I have some more of that delicious food?" Jayden looked down at the duck and said, "Never in all my years of living would I ever give up my Turkish Delight to a simple duck who was never supposed to have any in the first place!"
The duck then felt blazing inner rage. It stole the duck stick from the girl and sent her into the Realm of Forgotten Ducks where she would always be trapped until someone gave each duck Turkish Delight. 
The duck then went on to conquer the world and was then on known as the Supreme duck. And it lived happily ever after in the Castle of Ducks eating the Turkish Delight. 

None of this is really meant to be taken seriously. This is a short story my classmates and I came up with a while ago. It's really just kinda weird, but whatever. Feel free to tell me what I can improve on or change in later writings.
Hope whoever is reading this has an amazing week!
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