Satire Fiction posted May 4, 2024

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Shadow Forces

Hidden gods

by GoWiSt

April 29, 2024

Aha! Suspicions confirmed! Three distinct factions at LitVilla identified.

“How dare you mess with our cha-ching?!” I can hear The Corpus boom. “This is our joint! We run this game! Shut up and get with the program, or else!...”

“Adam? Betty? Charlie? Diane? Eli--?”

“I am all of them,” Polynym answers, “and more!”

You scratch my back, I’ll squeeze your butt--the unflappable dictum of the Syndies.

Now I’m marked. Silenced. Black-balled! What I get for opening my big mouth. Definitely hit a raw nerve. And all I was trying to do was—Urgh! Gotta go! Horny again!

“Oh, honey?! Baby?!...”

Journal Drabble writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
You keep a journal regularly. Something devastating or apocalyptic happens. You are no more. At some point in the future, your journal is discovered. What does the final entry say?

Anything goes for 100 words.

About 105 words--give or take. The prompt didn't ask for exactly 100.
Also, the prompt DIDN'T SAY that you knew something devastating or apocalyptic would happen and you'd be no more. So, I wrote the journal entry like it was any other normal day.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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