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Final Batch of Poems for April

A chapter in the book APril Poetry Madness

April 25 to 30 Poems

by jake cosmos aller

April 26 Noise

Noisy Korea Now My Home

When I first came
To South Korea in 1979
To do my Peace Corps duty
In a rural country town,

I thought that the old name
Of Korea
"the land of the morning calm"
Was absurd.

Korea was a noisy place
From early morning on.

Cars, horns, radio TV blaring
People talking to crowds everywhere
At night people drink and dine.

And loudspeakers
Blasting you awake
At 6 a.m.

And during elections
Sound trucks everywhere.

Now 45 years later
It is my home
No longer a noisy
Chaotic exotic place
Just home.

April 27 Beauty

Korean Land of K Beauties

I live in Korea
The land of plastic surgery
K beauty products.

Korean women are
Among the most beautiful
Woman in the world.

The cult of the beautiful
Everywhere you go
You see beautiful women
And men on the street,

And I realized I married
The most beautiful woman
In the world,

When I met and married
My Dream lady.

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave Secrets

April 28 Secrets

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave

I worked for 27 years
as a US diplomat
and witnessed a lot of things
that were and are considered

and we are trained
to keep these secrets

and I will no doubt die
and take some secrets
to my grave.

April 29 The sense of an ending... End of Trump Reality TV Show?

While watching the Trump trials
I sense an ending
To the Trump Reality TV show.

As he is revealed to be
What he is
Nothing but a charlatan
A con man, a grifter.

And he is not the King
Not a dictator, and not a genius,

He seems to be just a tired old man
Finally being held accountable.

For decades of alleged misconduct
Fraudulent business and political
Crimes including inciting a riot.

Stealing national secrets
And so many over.

Yet the polls show
He could become our next President

Perhaps I am seeing the end
Of democracy playing out
On my TV screen?

Dear God, I pray
Make it all go way
Retire Trump from the game
take him now with you.

April 30 Poem about poetry

Why Do I write
These poems every day?

Why do I spend so much time
Writing down these verses
That few will ever see?
Why do I bother?

The only answer is because
I must write daily
My inner muse compels me
And I have to write down
These mad thoughts.

And share them
With the world
Even if no one reads them
Other than my wife
And some of my friends.

I have no choice
That is what I am.

I am just a writer,
And a mad poet
At heart.

completed my April Poetry Madness challenge. Might be my last one. Just getting too difficult to do as I get older. You can find the rest of the poems on my blog You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems
April 7 to 14 poems
April 15 to 20 Https://
April 21 to 21
April 26 to 30

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