General Non-Fiction posted April 16, 2024

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A metamorphosis to a Puppet.


by ElPoetry001

When most people come into government [politicians ]they push for the political party that elected them.

 Next, they obtain a parachute, a bulletproof vest, and the money of the behind-the-curtain donors and, unlimited authority.

They are above the law, they are exceptions to the law, they have in-laws and outlaws, and they are chameleons on every level and in every sense.

  They have a negative symbiotic relationship with the world.

  We are imploding, religion exploding, sexuality unloading the creatures from the Star Wars bar scene.

 Foreign countries are sending their soldiers, assassins, criminals, and drug dealers to our shores.

 Does the name "Mariel Boat Lift" mean anything to you?

  The kaleidoscope and chameleon overcoats issued to each member of Congress allow them to survive their radioactivity.

 Gird your loins; the sound of horses, the smell of death, and pestilence are upon us.

  "Ashes to ashes...," So it was said, so it was written."

 Hark, the whirlwind horse arrives with the boomerang of Karma on its back. Stay well.

Unfortunately, becoming a member of a political party results in the elected, or appointed person becoming emotionally invested in the lies; a Puppet results.
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