Humor Flash Fiction posted April 10, 2024

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A news flash from April 8th

Wild Life on the Lam

by BethShelby

A news story caught my eye today, concerning an area of Louisiana, I was familiar with, having lived near there. It seems a good Samaritan went into the Louisiana swamps hoping to help a homeless man, only to be chased from the woods by a naked lady wielding a rusty axe. He claims he narrowly escaped with his life. He fled by car and reported it to the local police. So far, she is still on the lam. According to the police you can’t make up stories like this. Comments show many brave men willing to volunteer for the search.

100 Word Flash Fiction contest entry



100 wc The story mentioned this happened during the eclipse and I've heard they can make wildlife act strangly but I didn't realize Louisiana was close enough to affected. There is a nudist colony in Slidell where this occured, but there was no indication the lady was staying at the Indian Hills Campground.
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