Spiritual Poetry posted April 8, 2024 Chapters:  ...6 7 -8- 9... 

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NaPoWriMo Contest entry #8

A chapter in the book Everyday Miracles

John 3

by DeboraDyess

"The wind blows where it will," He said
but it went o'er the old man's head.
A teacher of the Law, but still...
He said, "The wind blows where it will."
"You must be born again to live."
"The womb, no second chances give."
"Repent and turn away from sin.
To live, you must be born again."

"The Father sent His Son to save."
And with that promise He forgave.
He is The Way, the only one.
To save, the Father sent His Son.

I'm so blessed to know the love and forgiveness of the Creator God!
John 3 tells about an evening when Nicodemus, a high-ranking religious leader, came to Jesus by night to ask questions. (Jesus' part of the exchange is bold print, Nic's is not.) When he didn't understand an answer, he kept prodding, getting clarification, striving to set aside his preconceived notions and beliefs to get down to the brass tacks - the Truth of God. It's okay to ask, to push, to dig. God doesn't fault us for that.
Jesus didn't come to be judge and jury over mankind/womankind, even though He has every right (as Creator) to do so. Because we cannot bribe a righteous God with acts of kindness, dedication, and charity, our plight was hopeless. So, in love, God sent a vital part of himself to take on human form, live a life without blemish or sin, and take the punishment for us. It was the only way to give us reconciliation, to give us peace, and to give us life. Yup, He loves us THAT much.
It takes a powerful God and a powerful love to set aside His diety for a bunch of knuckle-heads, but that's the power of God.
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