Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted April 2, 2024 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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I am writing four poems per day posting one a day here

A chapter in the book APril Poetry Madness

first poem of April

by jake cosmos aller

this month I am trying to write five poems per day, following daily prompts on Writing com Dew Drop Inn, Poetry Superhighway, writer's Digest, and NaPoWrMo prompts I will update this daily posting the

April 1—Be a fool in a poem!

Sarangpabo – Korean Love Fool for You

When I first saw you

In my dreams.

You were the most beautiful woman

In the world to me

And still are.

When you looked at me

With love blazing

From your dark brown

Goo-goo eyes.

Sparks flew from heart-to-heart

You hypnotized, massacred me

Your love mojo working overtime

Turning me into nothing but

a sarang pabo (love fool)

Eight years later

You walked off that bus

Into my life,


 my wife,

My soul mate.

And yes,

I am still

 your sarang pabo

And will remain under

Your love spell

Until the day I die.


This month I am trying to write five poems per day, following daily prompts on Writing com Dew Drop Inn, Poetry Superhighway, writer's Digest, and NaPoWrMo prompts I will update this daily posting the Dew Drop Inn prompts, and once a week on my blog (the world according to, writing com blog, medium, Substack and Wattpad platform and maybe elsewhere. The complete links will be on my blog. This may be my last time to do this - it is a bit too much for this 68-year-old man!

oh, for those interested, the Korean expressions referenced above can be found using Bing AI Co PIlot or Google translation etc-unfortunately, Fan Story does not support foreign language fonts. Wished it did.
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