Spiritual Poetry posted April 1, 2024 | Chapters: | ...3 4 -5- 6... |
Yamato Uta Poem for the Japanese Poetry Club
A chapter in the book My Favorite Poems
Poet's Prayer
by Gypsy Blue Rose
God hear my prayer
the prayer of my heart you never judge
what dwells in my thoughts you hear my mind's lightning and thunder and you quiet my storms
bless my spirit where you abide bless my pens and paper bless the words I write may they be beautiful in your sight may they be seen by people not yet born and when I 'm dust may my children say these words "she was a voice for the unheard and art was the language
of her soul" |
Yamato uta is a Japanese poetry form written in FREE VERSE which means no rules or rhyme and it can be as long as you like. Poets created THE YAMATO UTA POEM during the Heian Period 700 century. Yamato-uta are composed of many words born from people's hearts, as leaves grow from seeds. People use these words to express their thoughts about what they see or hear. click here if you want to read more
Thank you very much for reading my poem,
Thank you very much for reading my poem,
Club entry for the "YAMATO UTA POEM" event in "JAPANESE POETRY CLUB". Locate a writing club.
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