General Poetry posted March 25, 2024

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A metaphor for life

Nature Trail

by Terry Reilly

Life is just a nature trail

Which starts real slow, a human snail.

Those first few faltering tottering steps

Get stronger with successive reps.

We're stumbling towards the wooden stile

Which marks the end of our first mile.

We clamber over, catch our breath,

Impervious to future death.

The path ascends, becoming steep,

This is the first time we dig deep.

We reach a shaky, wooden bridge

Which must be crossed to reach the ridge

Extending west to touch the lake

The edge of which we have to make.

We pause, and drinking in the view,

Feel that we've been born anew.

Childhood has been left behind,

But now we face the adult grind.

So turn and gaze towards the peak.

Is that the prize we truly seek?

We battle on through dense white heather

Trying not to mind the weather.

The gathering clouds are split asunder

By lightning, rain and rumbling thunder.

This is a metaphor for life,

Fear, discomfort, angst and strife.

But now we stand above the trees

The howling wind becomes a breeze.

The middle section muddled through

The end game poses questions, too.

Enfeeblement just ups the stakes,

Simple tasks such effort takes.

To reach the summit far above

Requires resolve and God's true love.

But now we're here and looking down

Atop Ben Cruachan's windswept crown.

Our hike is done. Our race is run.

We've earned our place beyond the sun.


Moons, Eyes, and Pizza Pies writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Similes and metaphors welcome! But make it unique! Stay away from cliched comparisons and think outside the box. (Opps. That was a cliche wasn't it?) Let's hear your most thought provoking observations and parallels. Make our minds work, but make the relationship clear. Refrain from drawing unusual comparisons and leaving them unexplained.
(A poetic format is preferred, but if you feel your particular metaphor would be better suited to prose that is perfectly okay as well.)
Happy imagining!

Climbing Ben Cruachan three years ago I had similar musings. It was difficult, but it felt good to overcome obstacles and reach the cairn, though the closer I got the harder it became. The sense of achievement was exhilarating.
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