Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 12, 2024 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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The ups and downs of a hooker.

A chapter in the book Guilt-Stained Badge

One Break

by Douglas Goff

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

In the last chapter Morgan and Tamra had sex, then he ran off more confused than ever.

A few days later, Morgan saw Kelly standing near the Krispy Crème donut shop at Aurora and 125th. She was bent over talking to an older man sitting in a junky brown Chevy Malibu. Her white mini-dress left little to the imagination. 

When Morgan waved her over, she came running up to his car. The man in the brown Malibu sped off.  

“Thank goodness. That creep was a weirdo. Talkin’ about Golden Showers and strap-ons. I don’t do whackos. I told him you were my probation officer. He couldn’t get out of here fast enough.” She giggled. 

“How’d you get the black eye, Kelly?” Morgan stared at the purple and red bruising around her right eye. 

“I could ask you the same, Morg. You got two of your own and a busted lip.” She shrugged. 

“Work related. Bad guy got the jump on me.”

“Mine’s work related, too.”

“Kelly, who did it?” Morgan’s voice had taken on a stern edginess.

The young woman stared at him. “A little turdy pimp named Paco. He and a much larger man cornered me in an alley and told me I would be working for him from now on.” She frowned. “This is what happened when I declined his offer. Honestly, Morg. It’s just part of the job. It’s really not a big deal.”

He could see from her eyes that it was a big deal, and that there was probably more. “What else? Show me.”

Kelly hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her blue sweater. There were several large black bruises along her ribs. “After the big guy, Hugo I think, had his way with me, he kicked me in the ribs a few times. One of my roommates took me down to the free clinic. They’re just bruised, not broken.”

“Is that it?” Morgan watched a tear escape her eyelash and run down her cheek. Fucking puke is going to pay. 

Kelly shrugged. “Paco said I had two days to show up at his warehouse, over near the marinas off Alaskan Way, and join his flock. Or else.”

“Get in.”

When Kelly reached for the back door he shook his head. "Up front.”

The redhead gave him an odd look. She’d never been in the front seat of his car, but did as she was told.  

“No back seat romp today?”

“No. I’m going to take you for a drive.” He watched the road, but could feel her intense gaze.

“Come on, Morg. I don’t have time. I need to make my share of the rent this week.” She grabbed his free hand and slid it up her thigh to her panties “Don’t tell me you don’t want this. I know you too well.”

Morgan gently pulled his hand away. “Trust me, Kelly. This’ll be worth way more to you than fifty bucks.”

“Better be.” The young hooker sat quietly for the next ten minutes, until they pulled up in front of an apartment complex. “Morg, did you finally bring me to your place?”

“No, yours.” The detective exited the sedan and led the confused woman inside. They went up two flights of stairs to apartment number 303. Morgan pulled out a key and opened the door. Inside was completely furnished.  

The bewildered young woman stepped into the apartment. “What’s going on, Morg? I don’t understand.”

“There’s nothing to understand. I rented this place for you.” He handed her the key. “It’s paid ahead a whole year.”


“Yes. And here on the kitchen table are your enrollment papers to UW School of Nursing. That’s also paid for. The first semester, anyways. Books and all. If you pass the first semester, then I’ll pay for the next and so on. It’s all set up.”

“But how? Why?” Her eyes moistened. “Fuck you! Are you shitting me sideways?”

“We’ll have to work on your potty mouth, but this is it. You said you just needed one break. I’m providing it for you.” He smiled. “One chance to get off the streets and lead a normal life. The bus routes will get you to the college. Their schedules are also on the table. Your only job is to pass your classes.”

“How’d you get me enrolled? I checked that place. There’s a waiting list.”

“My old training officer, Teddy Norton, is tenured over there. He pulled some strings for me.”  

“But how’ll I survive? I only have street clothes—“

“I’ll pay your bills while you’re in college. Eventually you’ll need to find part-time work, a real job, but for now I set up an expense account. I’ll drop a grand a month in there so you have spending money.” He handed her a debit card for an account opened in her name.

“I can’t—-“

“You can if you want a fresh start. You can if you want no more weirdos or turd pimps like Paco in your life. He sighed. 

“Why, Morg? Why would you do this for a girl like me? You don’t owe me anything.” She sighed back. “So what’s the catch?”  

“Catch? Nothing major. You have to pass your classes. No more hooking. And absolutely no hard drugs.”

“You know I avoid the hard stuff. She frowned. “Weed okay?”

“You're a college student, aren’t you?”

Kelly came over and put her arms around his neck. “What’s the real catch, Morg? You gonna stop over whenever you get the urge? That wouldn’t be so bad.” 

“I said no more hooking and I meant it. That includes me.”

“Then how about you and I get it on one more time for old times sakes Just two friends humping in my new apartment.” She planted a warm wet kiss on his lips, causing him to wince in pain from his injuries. 

Damn, that’s way too tempting. But this thing with Tamra has me very mixed up. “Can’t. A fresh start means a fresh start. I want you to try dating normal boys your own age.”

“Dating? Ha! You mean like dinner, movies, and flowers? I’ve never done that sort of thing before. I don’t think I would even know how.” She giggled.  

“You’ll figure it out, although I don’t think boys your age do the flower thing anymore. But yes, normal dating. Be a regular teenager for once.” He liked how excited she was “And, Kelly, don’t bang them silly on the first date. Make them wait for a bit. Any boy who’s really interested in you will hang around without getting sex right off the bat.” 

“Geez, thanks, Dad.” She stuck her tongue out at him. 

“Well, I never had a kid, so I thought, why not help you out. Besides, I haven’t done anything good since Debra . . . well, for a long time. This just feels right.”

“I really appreciate it, Morg, but I’m not sure I can do this . . . can I? I mean . . . Yes. I can. Maybe?” She bit her lower lip in contemplation.  

“I promise you this. You’ll never know if you can or can’t if you don’t try. So, that’s all I’m asking. Try.”

“Try? Yes, I can do that.” The happy young woman made her way around the apartment touching different objects and then looked in the bedroom and bathroom. It wasn’t the high rent district, but it was a lot more than she had ever had before.  

“Is this really all mine?” A genuine grin covered her face from ear to ear. “I mean really?”

“Really really. So don’t blow it. Get your cute little butt to those classes. The paperwork’s on the table.  Schedules and everything. All the books you need are in the backpack in your bedroom.”

She gave him a real, non-sexual hug. “Thank you so much, Morg. I won’t let you down. Promise.”

“Okay. So do you need me to drive you over to your old apartment to pick your stuff up?”

“Stuff? No. I don’t have anything of value over there. Just hooker clothes and shoes. Darlene and Steph can use them. I won't be needing that junk anymore. I made you a promise that I plan on keeping.”  

“One more thing.” He frowned. 

“Sure. Name it.”

“Do me a favor and lay low. Stay away from Aurora Avenue for a bit. Steer clear of all your old associates.”

“Because of Paco?” 

“That, and other things. Just do me that favor, please.” He was insistent. 

“Of course, Morg. That was my old life. I have no business down there anymore. The only place I’m going to go is to the mall to buy some proper clothes. Something cute, but collegy." She jumped and clapped her hands like a school girl. “I’m going to work hard and become a nurse. Thanks to you, it’s possible now.“

I helped her, Debra. Morgan left Kelly’s new apartment feeling something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Good about himself. 

Character/Suspect List: 

Homicide Detective Morgan Harper - The heavily faulted main character who never recovered from the suicide of his wife.  

Kelly Pierson - a young, new to the game, prostitute who is frequented by Detective Morgan. 

Debra Harper - Morgan’s deceased wife who committed suicide.  

Tamra Burns- a crime scene technician who is Debra's identical twin.

Internal Affairs Officer Brian Anderson - Investigating Morgan Harper.

Homicide Detective Hutch Kelly - Morgan’s partner. 

Doctor Millison Parker - Morgan’s psychiatrist.

Paco Sanchez - A local pimp and street thug.

Hugo Chavez - Paco's thug/bodyguard.

Mac Yung- Aggressive reporter. 

Steve Vance - Vicki's husband.

Ted 'Teddy' Norton - Morgan's old academy training officer. 

Vicki Vance - An old friend of Morgan and Debra’s.

Jennifer Collins - The first victim prostitute. 

Amy Henderson - The second victim prostitute. 

This one is long. I have been looking forward to writing this chapter and it just flowed out. It is exactly how I wanted it as far as content.

This story is a graphic and gritty crime novel. Do NOT read this if you do not like harsh reads.

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