Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 7, 2024

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I remember a world that was so much more civil

I remember a better country

by jake cosmos aller

I remember a time

Not too long ago

When someone

Like Donald Trump.

Could never

Have been elected

As President of the United States.

I remember a country

Where after an election

The opponents shook hands.

Congratulated each other

And the country moved on.

With people hoping

That the new leaders

Will do the right thing

By the people they served.

And I remember a country

In which people respected

The election results

rather than talking

election denialism conspiracy

and dark hints of violence

and civil war.

I remember a country

Where no one supported

A poor loser.

I remember a time

Not too long ago

When Americans came together

As one country.

After the horrors of 9-11

Shook the country

And the world.

I remember serving

As a diplomat

Overseas and proud

To be an American.

I remember a time

Not too long ago

When we felt

That America was still

The world’s leader.

And when we rejected

The hateful rhetoric

Of the far-right.

But somehow

the neo-fascists are at the door

The right-wing forces

Have taken over the country.

That I still love

And still believe in.

That is what I remember

And hope Americans

Will all remember.

When we vote

For the next President

Of the United States

Of America.

I Remember writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Begin your non-fiction autobiographical story or poem with the words 'I remember...' Complete the sentence conveying a moment, an object, a feeling, etc. This does not have to be a profound memory, but should allow readers insight into your feelings, observations and/or thoughts. Use at least 100, but not more than 1,000 words. The count should be stated in your author notes.

I Remember
Begin your non-fiction autobiographical story or poem with the words 'I remember...' Complete the sentence conveying a moment, an object, a feeling, etc. This does not have to be a profound memory, but should allow readers insight into your feelings, observations and/or thoughts. Use at least 100, but not more than 1,000 words. The count should be stated in your author notes.

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