General Fiction posted March 2, 2024

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
An unwanted discovery of hidden ability within the brain.

My Third Eye

by Glenda Collins

2 months ago I found out I have a large mass on my pineal gland.  Before that I didn’t even know I had a pineal gland. Apparently it’s my third eye. Now I see dead people.  Tumor perk.  The spirit world is very strange.  Some of the dead look like monsters. An axe stuck in a head, half a torso missing- you get the picture.  I used to love horror movies.  Now I live in one.  I look in the mirror and I see a monster with three eyes.  Death is calling and I welcome it. 


Newbie Flash Fiction contest entry

Artwork/picture by William Hudson- 2 Eyed Monster
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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