Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted February 19, 2024 Chapters:  ...25 26 -27- 28... 

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The Real Threats Of Artificial Intelligence
A chapter in the book You Didn't Ask...But

The AI Danger Zone

by Brett Matthew West

What pray tell, could possibly be very wrong with this picture?

On February 8, 2024, Google introduced a free AI app that will enable people to rely on technology instead of their own brains to write, interpret what they are reading and deal with a variety of other tasks in their lives.

HINT: The first word in the correct answer is "their" and the last word in the correct answer is "brains."

Do you see a focus here where eventually people may well lose their abilities all together, and may even become subjugated to a machine powered by AI dictating the entirety of their lifes and making them repressed subserviants? Many people the world over do.

Why did Google create this AI? The answer to the much maligned question will be provided for your consideration momentarily. For now, ponder this. The newly released Google app has been labeled "Gemini." You are correct. It was named for an AI project Google unveiled in 2023. Known as "Bard," Google tossed their chatbox right out the proverbial window in a mad dash desire to catch up with the Microsoft-backed OpenAI's CHATGPT unleashed on humanity in 2022.

In the prevailing moment, the standalone Gemini app is for smartphones which operate on Google's Android software. However, in a few short weeks, Google intends to place Gemini into its iPhone search app. This, Google claimed, would allow Gemini to compete with Apple's Siri voice assistant for completing a wide variety of tasks.

Google's intention, as most of AI's appears to be, is for the masses to lose their cognitive abilities to plan, create, and even attempt to think for themselves. Several experts familiar with these apps are on record as saying "Gemini marks Google's latest foray down the potentially perilous road of organizing the world's information."

Sissie Hsiao, a Vice President of Google, as well as the Google General Manager overseeing Gemini, seemed to confirm this concern when she stated, "We {Google} think this is one of the most profound ways we are going to advance our mission."

Gemini was originally released in the United States in the English language. Within a couple short weeks, Google plans to release Gemini in the Asia-Pacific region, with versions in Korean and Japanese.

On top of the free version of Gemini, Google will be selling one containing advanced services. This version will be available for $20 a month. I, for one, say they can keep both versions and use them to wipe their asses with after they take a crap!

The Gemini Advanced option will be powered by AI technology dubbed "Ultra 1.0." Google plans to attempt to build upon the nearly 100 million worldwide subscribers they claim are attracted to this "nightmare-waiting-to-happen" Google possesses. Many of these subscribers, who obviously do not realize the dangers of AI, currently pay anywhere from $2 to $10 a month to allow Google AI to decree their existence.

Google is currently offering a free two-month trial of Gemini in a concerted effort to lure customers in. Then, they intend to slap these same buyers with the additional $20 a month fee.

Google admitted they are trying to escalate AI to get the upper hand with technology they believe, in their own words, will "reshape humanity itself."

The ongoing battle between Microsoft and Google's corporate parent company, known as Alphabet Inc., has already increased the two corporations' market value by 2 trillion dollars since the end of 2022.

Pichal Sundararajan, who is also known as Sundar Pichai, is the CEO of Google. He stated in a blog post, "AI technology of Gemini Advanced will be able to outthink even the smartest people."

If that notion is not mind boggling, tell me what you think is.

Pichai also stated, "Ultra 1.0 has already outperformed human experts on 57 subjects including Math, physics, laws, and ethics."

The list goes on.

Worldwide distrust of AI has prompted rules designed to police the use of AI in Europe. Similar efforts are underway in the United States. Some of these concerns are rightfully:

-technology malfunctions of AI on its own
-AI manipulated by people for sinister purposes. (You mean you do not believe AI has already reached that prospect?)
-misinformation concerning AI being widely dissiminated

A word to the wise: Many more precautions had better be adhered to where AI is involved.


Snake dragon doodle, by Brendaartwork18, selected to complement my Commentary.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Brendaartwork18 at

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