Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted December 4, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
A post revised

Let's Pretend

by LovnPeace

Let's pretend

A one-night stand

satisfies a desire

for human touch

validates our worth

In reality

each fleeting

sexual encounter

cements our loss-

of humanitarian caring

decreases' our value

eats at our core

Needs we all have

a truth

in reality

we crave

A spiritual connection

with our Creator


our Savior Jesus Christ

With Him

all our needs are met

we know love

acceptance and a peace

beyond our comprehension


We are Blessed

with a spiritual

friend left for us

The Holy Spirit

Our guide and helper

This changed my life

when I finally understood

I opened my heart and mind

welcoming The Holy Spirit In

I now live my life

the best I can by His guidance.

Thank you , eileen0204for lending your beautiful art. Blessings.
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