Romance Poetry posted December 3, 2023 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15... 

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Free Verse for the Finding Your Muse Club

A chapter in the book 2023 Gypsy's Clubs

Kiss Me

by Gypsy Blue Rose

If You Would Like To Join the Finding your Muse Club, please check my author notes

kiss me

I yearn for your cherry lips

and gifted tongue

 ~ intoxicating as sweet wine ~

feed me

I'm weary from making love
replenish my strength
with figs and grapes

~ I crave your taste ~

let me see

what hides behind the veil

 the graceful curve of your nose
the plump enticing lips
~ smile of mother pearls ~

let me smell

your sweet peaches, berries,
amber, and myrrh scent
~ pour it all over me ~

let me feel you

against my skin

warm as sunshine
~ fresh as april rain ~

lie on my chest

I want to be tangled
~ in your pure essence ~

let your tired body rest

and dream a thousand dreams

~ of you and me ~


Thanks to Helen (Lyenochka) for suggesting to read Solomon's Song of Songs. I loved it and was inspired to write this free verse.

This week's event for the Finding Your Muse Club is to write a favorite bible verse or spiritual poem. I chose Solomon's Song of Songs 1:1 - 8:14 to read Song of Songs, click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.

Club entry for the "FAVORITE VERSE OR SPIRITUAL POEM" event in "FINDING YOUR MUSE".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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