General Non-Fiction posted December 2, 2023

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The Gift of Time

by Jesse James Doty

During this season of supposed giving, do we reserve special time for our friends and family?

We need to make time for the important people in our lives.

Rather than feeling like you're stealing precious time when you beg for a few minutes of conversation, we need to celebrate our togetherness.

Take time to make time. To make these valuable contributions to those of us who need a friend to talk to, or more realistically, to listen to them.

I want to shout out from the rooftops to the world, that I am in love with my close friend, Kelly, but she doesn’t know it yet. 

She doesn’t use the “L” word very often, or at all, come to think of it.

She told me I’m her favorite person. 

I was stunned and didn’t know what to think about this, but another person close to me said, “That is her way of expressing her love for you.”

It looks like I am going to find out soon enough who wants to hear about us, and who doesn’t want to listen to my complex emotions about this woman who now is my lover and friend.

Hah, a complex sentence for a complex situation.

I am enjoying the thrill of this ride we are on together.

My excitement about my upcoming surgery, which is on Monday, December 11th at 1 pm, Pacific Standard Time, is doubled, now that I know I have so much more to live for.

A new love relationship means everything to me.

The more we share our lives together, the more happiness comes into play.

We are like young children discovering each other for the first time.

One thing I know for certain, she is giving me the precious gift of time.

We share together our time, our music, our love-making, all in one encompassing act of living life to the fullest.



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