General Poetry posted November 15, 2023

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-A Sweetened Hollow-

by Gordon Stacey

-A Sweetened Hollow-

Forming a sleek awareness in which the sweetened spirit stirs heavenly lore into the thirsty, the hungry are fed, as the harvest progresses.  Fueling a drive to excel through subtle, yet well needed lessons. 

Strengthen full foundations where faith and structure empower and offer all that is needed. 

Pulsing through swift currents, curling slightly around the image and likeness of light.  Casually stretching into one and within all.

Witnessing enamored vessels pour silver blessings.  Swirling tender curves into the refreshing of the spirit.  Witness holy scripture mends our inward wound.  He restores the fallen into one family, into one name, and into one perfection. 

Quickened as praise flairing to life.  Cutting through the air to salve and sing harmoniously through the sweetened hollows.

Cresting delightfully into the sensation of stillness now whispering deeply of hidden treasures burried within.  Wanting to be found and held close.

This is where words refine the moment hymns sculpt truth and beauty.  Both tempered through faith curving and serving the beating heart.  Thrown into times intrinsic mystery of an indomitable will, weeping tears of immense joy. For salvation sounds excellent amidst those now thriving.

Simply uplift the inner child into resounding brilliance.  Bring forth the pulsing force of life. 

Bounding steady towards the source to kneel with instictive instruction to compose through deeds manifesting prosperity of spirit through faithful endeavors.

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