General Fiction posted November 4, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Pointless short.



I stared out the grimy window in my office.   I was supposed to be working on a marketing plan for my company, Pembroke Falls.  I was tapped out.  How do you come up with something to bring business back to a place that was outdated.
I leaned back in the chair, never taking my eyes from the window.  It looked bleak.  Both the sky outside and my future with this firm.  
"I need a little inspiration," I mumbled to myself.  "Think, Jenny, think."
I closed my eyes.  I remember going to Pembroke when I was younger.  Bought my prom dress from one of their stores.  Used to walk through the petstore, tapping the glass that separated me from the overpriced puppies.  I mall walked with my grandmother.  This place was a big part of my life.
Christmas was in three months.  It was make or break time now.  Amazon and shipping had socked a lot of brick and mortar establishments in the gut.  Pembroke Falls was no exception.
I opened my eyes.   Very faintly I saw a few flakes of snow.  One flake at a time, I was catapulted back to the days of frenzied shopping, lugging bags of presents while listening to Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby.  Stopping for a hot chocolate in the food court.
I saw it all.  
Carolers roaming the aisles
Santa ho ho hoing.
Christmas garlands
Snowflakes hanging from the rafters
Sleighs with packages wrapped in shimmery papers.
Toy donation boxes
Wrapping booths.
I called the office of Pembroke Falls.
"Hey, it's Jenny, from marketing.  I've got it."
I didn't wait for a response.  Just hung up the phone and headed down to the main office. 
Even if we only had a few weeks to get it together, I think it was going to be okay.  
After all, Christmas was the season where everything was possible. 


No idea where this came from.
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