Humor Poetry posted September 11, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
5-7-5 witty animal poem. (Author note is helpful.)

The Laughing Lizard

by LisaMay

Witty animal 5-7-5 contest Contest Winner 
My silly lizard ~
a stand-up chameleon
who's flat-out funny.

Writing Prompt
Write a 5-7-5 Poem. It has three lines. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again. The subject is a witty animal poem. No other rules apply.

Witty animal 5-7-5 contest
Contest Winner


It seems that some people don't get that 'chameleon' sounds like 'comedian', and are therefore missing the pun. For those of you who are quick to understand, I'm sorry for having to explain it.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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