Biographical Non-Fiction posted August 11, 2023

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This is the story of a time when I was very ill.

Learning difficult things.

by patcelaw

"All things are difficult, before they become easy. "
Thomas Fuller
I very much can relate to this quote by Thomas Fuller. In my life I have had to learn many different types of skills.
I was told as a child that I could not be taught how to do things because I was left-handed.
However, there were many things that I wanted to learn, and I strived to do the very best that I could by reading books and by trial and error.
The one thing that I really wanted to do more than anything else was to be able to knit beautiful things.

When I first started knitting, it was very difficult for me, but as I learned to read a pattern and learned to do the stitches, it became quite easy and it's been a pleasure for me to be able to do through the years.
I am now at the point with my eyesight that I'm not able to knit anymore, and I truly miss having the ability to do knitting anymore.
Patricia Lawrence


The photograph is of a queen-size bedspread that I knitted in one piece. I have been very ill for a number of months and I had to do something, so I got yarn and began to knit this bedspread. It won awards at the southern New Mexico state fair. It took me about four months to do the initial knitting. It took me another 20 hours to put the fringe around the bottom and the sides. I was really proud of being able to win the awards.
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