Biographical Non-Fiction posted August 8, 2023

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Hanging on to hope is my desire.

Choosing Hope

by patcelaw

"To choose hope is to step firmly forward into the howling wind,
baring one's chest to the elements, knowing that, in time, the storm will pass."
- Desmond Tutu.

On July 2 of this year I fell in the shower and broke a bone in my femur. I also broke a bone in my pelvis. Both have been very painful. But it has been my desire, even through this hard time, to hang onto the word hope.

You see God has given me so many blessings in my life. Blessings beyond measure. I hope for the very best in the days ahead.

I have now been home from rehab for one week. I am getting around better now I'm able to share with others.

The fact that I have hope, even in the times when the winds of adversity blow against me. I know in the weeks ahead that I will heal and the storm will pass.

It is my desire that by sharing this with you, that others might read and find that they can cling to the word hope as well.

Patricia Lawrence


I have posted this using my iPad. I am planning to go to my computer and add an image to go with the story.
I chose to use an image of sunflowers and butterflies, because both of those things represent hope to me.
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