Romance Fiction posted August 6, 2023 | Chapters: |
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Emma' is a car accident.
A chapter in the book Guided by Faith
Faith Chapter 16 A
by barbara.wilkey
Background Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen? |

Seth and Emma met 16 days ago.
"Are you asking if we're still good friends?" After she nodded, Seth said, "I think so. How about you?" When she smiled and her face lit up, he grinned. "Good to know."
As Seth opened the front door, he said, "If you get scared during the night, I'm only a phone call away."
"I know, but..."
"Emma, I don't believe you'd call just to involve me in the situation. I believe this man has scared you and you have a right to be scared. I'm worried about your safety, too."
"Thank you."
Seth walked up the lane to his house. The Crown Vic's not in it's usual spot. I'm betting it's the same person. Now he knows we know who he is. I just can't prove it.
Later that evening, Seth called, "Emma, I'm getting ready for bed and thought I'd check on you. You doing all right?"
"Yes, thank you."
He heard a grunt. "Was that Ace? He's not in your bed, is he?"
"He's a specially trained K-9."
"At my place he's a pampered pet."
"I see that." A short silence followed. "If you need me, I'm here."
"I know that. Thank you."
Chapter 16 A
When Seth parked his pickup in the church parking lot, he scanned the area for Emma's car. He didn't see it, went inside, and asked her dad, "Keith, Emma's not here? I heard her leave almost an hour ago."
"She called and said, she was taking Florence Hawkins an aloe plant start-up." Keith checked his watch. "But she should be here." He shook his head. "She's probably talking. You know Emma."
When music began playing, both men sat beside Susan. Before the welcomes were completed, Seth's duty phone vibrated. He slipped outside to answer.
Seth rushed inside and got Keith. "Let's go. There's been an accident. Emma's involved."
"Is she all right? How bad?"
"Don't know. I don't have any facts."
Seth parked and ran to the ambulance. Emma sat on a stretcher and called, "Seth!"
They held each other in a silent hug.
Keith came up behind Seth. "Emma!"
Seth stepped aside so Keith could hold his daughter and then walked over to the lead EMT. "How is she?"
"Bruising, possible concussion. I don't think there are any broken bones or internal injuries. We'll need x-rays to make sure. Have you seen the car? She's lucky she wore a seatbelt, or she'd have been thrown."
Then Seth walked over to study the car. The passenger side lay in a ditch with the driver's side pointed straight up. The driver's door caved in, and the axle bent. How'd that happen? He shook his head and muttered, "Stupid question. It's Emma. At least the ditch had a high bank, so it didn't roll over." He walked to the front. "That boulder didn't do the front grill any good."
Carl came up behind Seth. "Chief, Marc Elder caused the accident."
Seth's eyes met his. "You sure?"
"He was drunk, could barely walk. We got a call about a drunk driver heading toward town and were on our way. He hit Emma and kept going."
"We have him on underage drinking, driving under the influence, and hit and run?" After Carl nodded, Seth asked, "Where is he?"
"At the station. Don't forget speeding. This is a 40 MPH zone. It appears he was doing over 80."
"He's not getting off this time. We need to play this one strictly by the book. Have an officer contact his dad." Seth glanced toward the ambulance. "I need to check on Emma."
As Seth walked up, he heard Emma say, "I'm fine. Please let me go home."
The EMT said, "You're coming with us. We need to observe you for approximately an hour and make sure there are no complications."
Keith sighed. "Emma, listen to them." He nodded toward Seth. "Maybe she'll listen to you."
"I doubt it." He knelt in front of where she sat and took her hand. "Emma, I'm taking your dad back to church. I'm sure your mom's worried. I'll come to the hospital and stay with you until you're released. If you're as well as you think, we'll go to the station and get your statement. You'll be at your parents for Sunday dinner. Deal?"
"Can we stop by the house and get Molly and Ace?"
Seth nodded. "Of course." He turned toward Keith. "Are the plans okay?"
"Sounds good. Thank you."
Once the ambulance left, Keith and Seth headed toward the church. Seth relayed what he knew about the accident, "It appeared Elliot crossed the center line, speeding, and hit Emma's car forcing her into the ditch. The ditch was steep enough Emma's car rolled onto its side. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know."
"Thank you and you're staying for dinner."
Seth nodded.
When Seth arrived at the hospital, Emma sat in bed with wires attached. She had her arms crossed at her chest. He grinned. "You don't appear happy."
"I'm not. I keep telling these people I'm fine. They won't listen. Why would I lie about that?"
"So, you can be released from the hospital."
She gave a partial smile. "I guess that's true. But I'm fine."
A nurse walked in. "Hello, Chief Carter." She checked Emma's chart. "Your blood pressure is elevated. It needs to come down before you're released."
"How far down does it need to go?" asked Emma.
"As long as it's moving downward." She checked Emma's vitals and looked into her eyes. "No evidence of a concussion. Everything seems normal except for the blood pressure, but we're waiting on the X-rays."
Emma faced Seth. "See, I told you I was fine."
"You did."
The nurse adjusted Emma's pillow. "Try lying on your side. It may help lower your blood pressure. Whichever side is the most comfortable. You still need to keep the icepacks on your left side."
Attempting to lie down with icepacks and keeping the gown covering her body, Emma asked, "Ma'am, could I please have an additional gown?"
Removing one from a cupboard, she handed it to Seth as she glanced at her pager. "I'm being called. Will you help her?"
Emma frowned. "No, he can't help me. He's the reason I need another one."
The nurse's eyes widened. "I thought Chief Carter was your boyfriend."
"No. We're friends and he's a male, but we're not dating."
Seth handed it to the nurse. "I'll wait in the hall."
Once Emma was ready, Seth returned. "I was told to help you think of happy thoughts. You've been under stress the past few days. Can you think of any happy times?"
Emma's smile lit the room. "Yes. The time you and I were in the canoe, and you caught fish." After a short pause, she said, "The night we cooked hotdogs and made s'mores. The fish fry at my parents'. I can't forget the night we made the salmon sandwiches." Pink covered her cheeks as she almost whispered, "All these include you."
"I noticed. I enjoyed them too." Seth swallowed then added, "I enjoyed watching you read the elephant book to the kids Wednesday."
"Thank you. I guess I need to concentrate on those and maybe my blood pressure will decrease." Silence continued for a few moments. "I think I need a guard dog."
"You have Ace."
"He's yours, not mine."
Tilting his head, Seth said, "True, but he spends a lot of time with you."
"But you accuse me of turning him into a pampered pet."
Chuckling, Seth said, "Because you do. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Ace enjoys it." After thinking, he added, "If you want a guard dog, I'll help you get one, but think about it."
"I will."
A nurse and the doctor walked in. The doctor studied her chart. "It's been about forty-five minutes. Let's see if that blood pressure has lowered." The nurse pushed a button on the machine and the doctor continued, "Your X-rays were good. No internal injuries. You're a lucky lady." When the machine beeped, the doctor glanced at it. "Both numbers are down. You're headed in the right direction."
"How much lower?" asked Emma.
"Another five points and you can go home." The doctor tapped the chart and faced Seth. "Chief Carter, do you two live together?"
"No, we live close but in separate houses. Why?"
"I don't want her alone for at least thirty-six hours, forty-eight hours would be best. We need to release her to somebody."
"You can release her to me. I'll make sure that happens."
"Good," said the doctor as he and the nurse walked into the hallway.
Seth shook his head at Emma's pout. "If you keep that attitude, your blood pressure won't lower."
"I can't stay at your place. That's how rumors start."
"Only Jake and your parents know you've stayed." Seth held up two fingers spread apart. "And in separate bedrooms. We'll work something out."
It wasn't long before the nurse walked in holding papers. "Even though we don't have the next blood pressure, the doctor has decided to release you to Chief Carter's care. Chief, if you'll wait in the hall, I'll help Ms. Winters get dressed." She handed him two papers. "Read this list of dos and don'ts. Let me now if you have any questions."
Before Emma left the hospital, the nurse handed Seth pain medication. "Ms. Winters should take a pill around five o'clock. She's needs to stay ahead of the pain."
As they entered the police station, Carl hugged Emma. "I'm glad to see you. You scared us."
"As you can see, I'm fine, except Seth's acting like an old mother hen." She faced him. "Let's get this statement over."
Seth pointed to Carl. "He needs to take it. I can't. We need to follow the book. Use my office. I'll wait here."
With eyes wide, Emma asked, "Why?"
Carl answered, "The hug you gave him and his return hug. Elliot could use it against us."
Swallowing, she said, "I'm sorry."
Seth nodded. "It's okay."
Carl and Emma went into Seth's office where she explained she was going to Florence Hawkins' house, when she noticed a car heading toward her, speeding and crossing the center line. She slowed down and moved as far right as she could. "I remember the noise of the two cars colliding. I don't remember anything else until the EMT helped me from the car."
After Carl typed and printed it, he had Emma read and sign it. "If you remember anything else, let me know, and I'll add it." When Emma indicated she would, he led her from the office.
Seth stood. "Done?"
"Yes." Carl showed Seth the statement as he said, "Emma, be careful what you say and to whom. We need to keep Seth out of this investigation."
"I understand."
Seth read the statement before they walked to his pickup. At the pickup, Emma said, "I'm sorry my hug compromised your job."
He glanced at the sky and then his eyes met hers. "I needed that hug as much as you. Leave it at that."
She nodded as he helped her inside the pickup.
Character List:
Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief
Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.
Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man
Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore
Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian
Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9
Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather
Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend
Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery
Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth
Linda Holton - the town librarian
Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton
George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot
Marc Elliot - troubled teenager
"Are you asking if we're still good friends?" After she nodded, Seth said, "I think so. How about you?" When she smiled and her face lit up, he grinned. "Good to know."
As Seth opened the front door, he said, "If you get scared during the night, I'm only a phone call away."
"I know, but..."
"Emma, I don't believe you'd call just to involve me in the situation. I believe this man has scared you and you have a right to be scared. I'm worried about your safety, too."
"Thank you."
Seth walked up the lane to his house. The Crown Vic's not in it's usual spot. I'm betting it's the same person. Now he knows we know who he is. I just can't prove it.
Later that evening, Seth called, "Emma, I'm getting ready for bed and thought I'd check on you. You doing all right?"
"Yes, thank you."
He heard a grunt. "Was that Ace? He's not in your bed, is he?"
"He's a specially trained K-9."
"At my place he's a pampered pet."
"I see that." A short silence followed. "If you need me, I'm here."
"I know that. Thank you."
Chapter 16 A
When Seth parked his pickup in the church parking lot, he scanned the area for Emma's car. He didn't see it, went inside, and asked her dad, "Keith, Emma's not here? I heard her leave almost an hour ago."
"She called and said, she was taking Florence Hawkins an aloe plant start-up." Keith checked his watch. "But she should be here." He shook his head. "She's probably talking. You know Emma."
When music began playing, both men sat beside Susan. Before the welcomes were completed, Seth's duty phone vibrated. He slipped outside to answer.
Seth rushed inside and got Keith. "Let's go. There's been an accident. Emma's involved."
"Is she all right? How bad?"
"Don't know. I don't have any facts."
Seth parked and ran to the ambulance. Emma sat on a stretcher and called, "Seth!"
They held each other in a silent hug.
Keith came up behind Seth. "Emma!"
Seth stepped aside so Keith could hold his daughter and then walked over to the lead EMT. "How is she?"
"Bruising, possible concussion. I don't think there are any broken bones or internal injuries. We'll need x-rays to make sure. Have you seen the car? She's lucky she wore a seatbelt, or she'd have been thrown."
Then Seth walked over to study the car. The passenger side lay in a ditch with the driver's side pointed straight up. The driver's door caved in, and the axle bent. How'd that happen? He shook his head and muttered, "Stupid question. It's Emma. At least the ditch had a high bank, so it didn't roll over." He walked to the front. "That boulder didn't do the front grill any good."
Carl came up behind Seth. "Chief, Marc Elder caused the accident."
Seth's eyes met his. "You sure?"
"He was drunk, could barely walk. We got a call about a drunk driver heading toward town and were on our way. He hit Emma and kept going."
"We have him on underage drinking, driving under the influence, and hit and run?" After Carl nodded, Seth asked, "Where is he?"
"At the station. Don't forget speeding. This is a 40 MPH zone. It appears he was doing over 80."
"He's not getting off this time. We need to play this one strictly by the book. Have an officer contact his dad." Seth glanced toward the ambulance. "I need to check on Emma."
As Seth walked up, he heard Emma say, "I'm fine. Please let me go home."
The EMT said, "You're coming with us. We need to observe you for approximately an hour and make sure there are no complications."
Keith sighed. "Emma, listen to them." He nodded toward Seth. "Maybe she'll listen to you."
"I doubt it." He knelt in front of where she sat and took her hand. "Emma, I'm taking your dad back to church. I'm sure your mom's worried. I'll come to the hospital and stay with you until you're released. If you're as well as you think, we'll go to the station and get your statement. You'll be at your parents for Sunday dinner. Deal?"
"Can we stop by the house and get Molly and Ace?"
Seth nodded. "Of course." He turned toward Keith. "Are the plans okay?"
"Sounds good. Thank you."
Once the ambulance left, Keith and Seth headed toward the church. Seth relayed what he knew about the accident, "It appeared Elliot crossed the center line, speeding, and hit Emma's car forcing her into the ditch. The ditch was steep enough Emma's car rolled onto its side. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know."
"Thank you and you're staying for dinner."
Seth nodded.
When Seth arrived at the hospital, Emma sat in bed with wires attached. She had her arms crossed at her chest. He grinned. "You don't appear happy."
"I'm not. I keep telling these people I'm fine. They won't listen. Why would I lie about that?"
"So, you can be released from the hospital."
She gave a partial smile. "I guess that's true. But I'm fine."
A nurse walked in. "Hello, Chief Carter." She checked Emma's chart. "Your blood pressure is elevated. It needs to come down before you're released."
"How far down does it need to go?" asked Emma.
"As long as it's moving downward." She checked Emma's vitals and looked into her eyes. "No evidence of a concussion. Everything seems normal except for the blood pressure, but we're waiting on the X-rays."
Emma faced Seth. "See, I told you I was fine."
"You did."
The nurse adjusted Emma's pillow. "Try lying on your side. It may help lower your blood pressure. Whichever side is the most comfortable. You still need to keep the icepacks on your left side."
Attempting to lie down with icepacks and keeping the gown covering her body, Emma asked, "Ma'am, could I please have an additional gown?"
Removing one from a cupboard, she handed it to Seth as she glanced at her pager. "I'm being called. Will you help her?"
Emma frowned. "No, he can't help me. He's the reason I need another one."
The nurse's eyes widened. "I thought Chief Carter was your boyfriend."
"No. We're friends and he's a male, but we're not dating."
Seth handed it to the nurse. "I'll wait in the hall."
Once Emma was ready, Seth returned. "I was told to help you think of happy thoughts. You've been under stress the past few days. Can you think of any happy times?"
Emma's smile lit the room. "Yes. The time you and I were in the canoe, and you caught fish." After a short pause, she said, "The night we cooked hotdogs and made s'mores. The fish fry at my parents'. I can't forget the night we made the salmon sandwiches." Pink covered her cheeks as she almost whispered, "All these include you."
"I noticed. I enjoyed them too." Seth swallowed then added, "I enjoyed watching you read the elephant book to the kids Wednesday."
"Thank you. I guess I need to concentrate on those and maybe my blood pressure will decrease." Silence continued for a few moments. "I think I need a guard dog."
"You have Ace."
"He's yours, not mine."
Tilting his head, Seth said, "True, but he spends a lot of time with you."
"But you accuse me of turning him into a pampered pet."
Chuckling, Seth said, "Because you do. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Ace enjoys it." After thinking, he added, "If you want a guard dog, I'll help you get one, but think about it."
"I will."
A nurse and the doctor walked in. The doctor studied her chart. "It's been about forty-five minutes. Let's see if that blood pressure has lowered." The nurse pushed a button on the machine and the doctor continued, "Your X-rays were good. No internal injuries. You're a lucky lady." When the machine beeped, the doctor glanced at it. "Both numbers are down. You're headed in the right direction."
"How much lower?" asked Emma.
"Another five points and you can go home." The doctor tapped the chart and faced Seth. "Chief Carter, do you two live together?"
"No, we live close but in separate houses. Why?"
"I don't want her alone for at least thirty-six hours, forty-eight hours would be best. We need to release her to somebody."
"You can release her to me. I'll make sure that happens."
"Good," said the doctor as he and the nurse walked into the hallway.
Seth shook his head at Emma's pout. "If you keep that attitude, your blood pressure won't lower."
"I can't stay at your place. That's how rumors start."
"Only Jake and your parents know you've stayed." Seth held up two fingers spread apart. "And in separate bedrooms. We'll work something out."
It wasn't long before the nurse walked in holding papers. "Even though we don't have the next blood pressure, the doctor has decided to release you to Chief Carter's care. Chief, if you'll wait in the hall, I'll help Ms. Winters get dressed." She handed him two papers. "Read this list of dos and don'ts. Let me now if you have any questions."
Before Emma left the hospital, the nurse handed Seth pain medication. "Ms. Winters should take a pill around five o'clock. She's needs to stay ahead of the pain."
As they entered the police station, Carl hugged Emma. "I'm glad to see you. You scared us."
"As you can see, I'm fine, except Seth's acting like an old mother hen." She faced him. "Let's get this statement over."
Seth pointed to Carl. "He needs to take it. I can't. We need to follow the book. Use my office. I'll wait here."
With eyes wide, Emma asked, "Why?"
Carl answered, "The hug you gave him and his return hug. Elliot could use it against us."
Swallowing, she said, "I'm sorry."
Seth nodded. "It's okay."
Carl and Emma went into Seth's office where she explained she was going to Florence Hawkins' house, when she noticed a car heading toward her, speeding and crossing the center line. She slowed down and moved as far right as she could. "I remember the noise of the two cars colliding. I don't remember anything else until the EMT helped me from the car."
After Carl typed and printed it, he had Emma read and sign it. "If you remember anything else, let me know, and I'll add it." When Emma indicated she would, he led her from the office.
Seth stood. "Done?"
"Yes." Carl showed Seth the statement as he said, "Emma, be careful what you say and to whom. We need to keep Seth out of this investigation."
"I understand."
Seth read the statement before they walked to his pickup. At the pickup, Emma said, "I'm sorry my hug compromised your job."
He glanced at the sky and then his eyes met hers. "I needed that hug as much as you. Leave it at that."
She nodded as he helped her inside the pickup.
Character List:
Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief
Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.
Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man
Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore
Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian
Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9
Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather
Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend
Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery
Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth
Linda Holton - the town librarian
Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton
George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot
Marc Elliot - troubled teenager
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Thank you, Google Images, for an image of a car crash.
Chapter 16 is divided into two parts for FanStory. This is the part of one of Chapter 16. This post is a little under 1,700 words.
I made changes as I posted. I hope I don't need to correct those corrections. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate you dropping by and leaving reviews and your support of my writing.
one point
and 2 member cents. Chapter 16 is divided into two parts for FanStory. This is the part of one of Chapter 16. This post is a little under 1,700 words.
I made changes as I posted. I hope I don't need to correct those corrections. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate you dropping by and leaving reviews and your support of my writing.

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