Commentary and Philosophy Fiction posted July 20, 2023 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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blue mood

A chapter in the book The Saga of Procrastination

Blue Mood

by Iza Deleanu

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

"Hey, listen up, my double, today I feel strange?"

"Oh, brother, tell me something new! You bloody feel like this at least once a day. Remember yesterday you even shed a tear for "old, poor me!"

"Yeah, but I didn't complain. I said a prayer, and it went away. And you know the tears are good for my eyes. After I cry, they are greener, like the grass after a summer rain."

"Hm, for once, you spoke the truth. You didn't complain... aloud! So, what's different today?"

"I feel scared, and my back is hurting. I am looking inside me, and there is a void."

"Void? Did you have mushrooms for breakfast?"

"No! You know I am not a mushroom kind of girl, more of yogurt with blueberry type, a hint of honey, and a sprinkle of nuts."

"Oh, stop it! This is your dream breakfast. You usually have a big hip of nothing with lots of water or sometimes just blame-plainly yogurt."

"What? Can a girl not dream of being healthy?"

"Yeah, can a girl stop pretending she is a saint?"

"Oops, you are right. I am living on a more of a wanna-be like you -perfect girl than I am. Why is it so hard to stick to a program?"

"That's easy. You are like... squirrel, and here goes your focus and plan! One little deviation, and you get full gear in the trial mood."

"Fine. You got me to the dot! But still, why do I feel like shit today?"

"I think you just woke up from your rosy-cozy dream and suffered from the impostor syndrome."

"Hm! I'm not too fond of it. I want always to be Xena, who doesn't give a shit and is scared of nothing!"

"You cannot be like that girlie. You are human, and the limit is your break, so park that fear and breathe!"

"I feel so strange! Wait... I think I know why I feel like this."

"I know. You just got your sharky day mood, so there is no Aqua Zumba for you and no escape in paradise. Just go to that dreadful Zumba class in the Studio with the instructor you don't like."

"How about I just don't do that, and instead, I hike!"

"You mean you will ditch the class and do nothing?"

"No, I mean, I want to go for a walk. The fresh air and nature will cheer me up!"

"Go for it, Ms. Blue Mood!"


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