Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted July 14, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Away for quite a while


by Sankey

Dear Fanstory family,
I am so sorry I have been gone for such a long time.
Not in the reviewing sense, just in the writing mode.
We have been through so much.
COVID 19, as I know a lot of you have been through, too.
More goings on with skin cancer and repairs to a graft on my head which got messed up
from a fall on our Metro system, last year.
As a result of which, I now have a carer that goes with me everywhere, on my "Days Out."
In reference to "Days Out" they got messed up due to transport strikes and bad
Hopefully, I can get back to my "Rambles" and I do have some poems in the offing.
Keep watching and thanks for reading my groans, today.


Sorry, the layout is a bit messed up. Need to come back and fix, later.
Thanks to Susan FMI for her photo.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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