General Poetry posted June 24, 2023

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A Nonet

Quintessential Christine

by Chrissy710

Quintessential Christine is my book
A published author I shall be
Maybe you will take a look
So, THANK YOU, FanStory
Friendships and advice
Along the way
All so nice
Now a

Nonet Poetry Contest contest entry


Hi Everyone Have been a little quiet of late, much going on in my life including a new grandson Harry who is very cute

Also I will have my first book or poetry published through
due out on the 25th July 2023 .

I am very excited for this release and would like to say THANK YOU to all here at FanStory for the past 6 years of great support and advice and as a consequence I have now many poems to include into my book.

I thought I would do this Nonet as my appreciation to you all here

Once again Thanks for reading my work

Cheers Christine
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