Essay Non-Fiction posted June 17, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Questions and comments


by Wayne Fowler

A few questions and comments:

Why can’t FanStory leave the chosen font as posted? I open my Times New Roman post in read mode and see that it’s changed to Calibri, or something like it. I change to edit mode to fix it and see that it is still Times New Roman. Why does it do that? I’ve asked management and received no satisfactory response, simply a repetition of the posting process.

Why can’t FanStory recognize simple figures such as apostrophes in the Author’s Notes section instead of applying all the weird symbols?

Why does FanStory intermittently change the font color of sections of a post when the piece in the writer’s computer does not?

What’s with the Control V for pasting?

Why does acceptance of photos into FanStory posts seem arbitrary and fickle? Some photos are accepted, while others are not – all taken with the same camera.

Why does FanStory insert/change the line spacing of a post?

Why doesn’t a size 12 font on the computer equal size 12 on FanStory? I have to change my posts to 18 to make then appear the same size.

Why does FanStory not prefer paragraph indentation?

Why does FanStory wipe out the title and description when changing the body to Advanced Editor?

Why, when in edit mode, you click on a misspelled word (or some such) and FanStory throws you back to the beginning of the post? I have learned that if I double click that might not happen. But sometimes (most?) I’m not quick enough. A single click should be sufficient. It’s like if you were to take a very long road trip in your car and you tap the brake – only to be instantly transported back to your starting place. “Oh, I didn’t know you really wanted to stop right where you tapped your brake. To let me know you wanted to stop there, you should tap twice and stand on your ear.”

Why does FanStory insist on 150 characters in reviews of poems of only 10-15 (very few) characters?

Why does FanStory even offer reviewers the opportunity to rate a piece with one, two, or three stars?

I realize FanStory is a private, profit-motivated company, but for goodness sakes, rewarding reviewers the same amount for a 100-word piece as a 4,000-word posting is tough to take. (I realize that the writers determine how much reviewers receive, but…)

Why not reward a FanStory writer for entertaining the membership by offering a penny or two for each viewing? If a hundred members read a post, the writer would get a buck (or two). After all, it’s just funny money and it might allow a popular author the opportunity to continue entertaining the membership. (This is not self-serving in that I have never even approached 100 views for a post.)

I fully realize that I did not have to join FanStory. My participation is completely voluntary and if I don’t like it, I don’t have to play. But that doesn’t mean that a member shouldn’t be allowed to ask questions. I also understand that these should be taken up with management. Several of them have been – without appreciable response. And to tell a fellow member to sit down and shut up is like telling someone who bought XYZ car that they should neither comment, nor question its workings – they didn’t have to buy it.

So, what is my point? Am I trying to get expelled?


One: I’m in hopes that some among you can help me with one or more of my issues. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. And two: maybe some of you might have sufficient influence to effect FanStory improvements. I love FanStory, obviously, since I’m willing to pay for it. I simply wish that it wasn’t so frustrating to operate.

So, is there anything I enjoy about FanStory, or am I negative about all of it?

I like how FanStory accepts MSWord and employs some of their tools and tricks.

I like that FanStory will accept writers’ own photographs. (some, anyway)

I like that FanStory allows interactions between members.

I like the warning system allowing members not to be surprised by unwanted breaches of their sensitivities.

I like that there is ample opportunity to engage in competitions, and that poets and prose writers can be fairly judged – not generally co-mingled.

I like that members can vote in contests in which they have not submitted entries. (I just wish more would vote – like many dozens more.) (Maybe an incentive, like a penny, or two, for each vote cast?) (Afterall, it's not money!)

I wish I was a better writer… but I’m grateful that FanStory members wish the same for me, and actually work, to help me try to become one.

I enjoy the FanStory members.

Should the first couple reviewers of this post explain my ridiculous stupidity, I will instantly retract, withdraw, delete it, and beg those few to forgive my foolhardiness. There are, however, some of you that I would truly like to hear from.

Thank you for your tolerance.


I wish I could reward reviewers adequately for reading this. But I'd rather save my limited resources for Ben.
Please feel free to be as cruel as pleases you - my arrogance is deserving.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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