General Poetry posted May 23, 2023 Chapters: 4 5 -6- 7... 

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In Merry~go~Rhyme

A chapter in the book Birthdays

Ulla~a World Wide Birthday Wish

by Debi Pick Marquette

Not only is she lovely, but so much fun to explain

She started life in Denmark, the last twenty years in Spain

As far as what her plans are now, that's where she will remain

Some places where she goes when she walks down memory lane

Her daughter, husband, and three girls from Denmark that she misses

She doesn't see them all enough, but sends them love and kisses

She traveled 'round the world; this woman you cannot contain 

 From South America to the Far East were her domain

She's half American, yet there she never did retain

Sailed yachts in the high seas, for years in calm and stormy rain

A personal dear Ulla fact is she's been married twice

When she reviews, her comments are respectful and precise

A flight attendant, twenty years on a passenger plane

Her writing started as a dream, one she hoped to obtain

She doesn't brag about herself; not even close to vain

Respectful to other's beliefs, if hers doesn't pertain

She published book about the art of writing a Haiku 

And now her second one is very close to being through

Raise a glass for her whether it's water or champagne

We're far apart but close in ways, together we will reign 

A party here at FanStory, for you we'll entertain

Happy Birthday Ulla, you're part of our World wide chain



Merry-go~Rhymes Rules:
1~must rhyme
2~must be fun
3~normal 4 line stanzas
with a fun line or 2 between each stanza
(for the up and down carousel effect)
4~ does not have to follow a meter

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