Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 12, 2023 Chapters:  ...76 77 -79- 80 

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An introduction to my new walker.
A chapter in the book Geoffrey's Musings.

Wally The Walker Number 2.

by Sankey

1.Wally 2

I welcome you

As Wally 1's



2. I've learned so much

About your touch

Especially how

You're wired.


3. The brakes and screws

Are the "One and Two"

Of careful consideration.


4. I'll regularly tighten up

Your screws 'n

Release your brakes

In motion.


5. I look forward to

The many hours

Of faithful operation 


6. Providing me

The needed support

As I get out 

In this part of

Our nation.


Wally 1 had to be replaced as he had a problem, I believe, from the start of the brakes not working properly. It was also, possibly my fault, leaving the brakes on when moving, too many times. Wally 2 has been great, so far. Looking forward to getting out more on my "Out and abouts" more frequently. These days, I go everywhere with a carer due toi an accident I had in October, last year.
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