Family Fiction posted February 10, 2023 Chapters:  ...50 51 -52- 53... 

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Surprise visitor at the Little Eagle.

A chapter in the book The Miranda Chronicles

Second Guessing


The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
So far, Miranda Jessup Buckley has been jilted, fired and left to take care of her ex-lover's child.   Mitch has a patrol car parked in the lot of The Little Eagle to watch over Miranda.  Deputy Tyler Douglas shows up before closing time to show Miranda what he found in her yard.
Rita clocked out and stood by the door for a couple extra minutes.  " I sure do feel better leaving you alone tonight, knowing that guy is right there."
"Oh, you mean Officer Personality?"
"He's got a gun.  He doesn't need personality," Rita says.  "I'll see you tomorrow."
I watch her get into her car, and smile as she fluffs her blonde hair in the rear view mirror before reaching for her seatbelt.
I do a candy order, sweep and clean both bathrooms.  Anything I can do to pass the night quickly and to keep from looking at the cop on wheels in the lot.
A few customers ask about him.  Not sure what to tell them, so I say what sounds plausible.
"Speed trap, I reckon," I say with a shrug of my shoulders.
"But he ain't even facing the road," one trucker says as I bag his Mountain Dew and Redman chewing tobacco.
"That's how he gets ya.  Acts like he's not even paying attention.  Then those blue lights come on.  You're done for."  I wink at him so he knows I'm kidding.
"Well, anywho, I bet you feel safe."
"Words can't describe how I feel right now."  I keep that work with the public smile planted firmly on my face.  "You have a good night."
Around eight-thirty, I start replenishing the drink and beer cooler.  
Normally, I'm pretty good about being aware when someone comes in the store.  So, imagine my surprise when I turn around and see a tall blonde man standing at the counter.
"I'm sorry.  Have you been waiting long?" I ask, rushing towards the counter.
He turns around.  It's Deputy Tyler, in jeans and a t-shirt.
"Tyler?  What are you doing here?"
"Had to get gas, but, oh, I found something," he says as he digs in the pocket of his jeans.   He opens his hand.  There in his palm is an earring.  It's a diamond.  I know it's a diamond because I've had rhinestone, cut glass, synthetic, and cubic zirconia.  And none of them sparkled like this.
"Is this yours?  I mean did you lose it?"
"Tyler, if I lost something like that, I would have devoted my life to finding it."
He grins and puts it back in his pocket.  "I have to turn it in, but if after sixty days, no one claims it, you can have it."
"I'll try to remember that," I say. 
Tyler glances out towards the other deputy.  "Man, the sheriff sure wants to make sure you're safe."
"That he does, young Tyler, that he does."
Tyler reaches down and grabs a pack of gum.  It's like he's stalling.   
I look towards the door.  The deputy's car is gone.  "He must have gotten bored," I mutter.
"I told him I'd wait while you close up.  I kinda want to ask you about something you said."
I ring out the drawer and go lock it in the safe back in the office.  Once I hit the lights and lock the office up I walk over to him.
"Whatcha want to ask?"
He glances towards the door.
"Tyler, are you looking for somebody?"
"That rich lady.  You said she killed her husband.  Why do you think that?"
"Missy?  I think she killed him because she's a psychopath.  Her husband disappears without a trace.  Doesn't contact his wife or his family.  Leaves a fortune behind?  I don't think so.  Besides, not once did she so much as put up a flyer asking for information.  His parents did."
Tyler frowns.  "But you don't have any real proof."
"I listen to my gut.  If she didn't kill him, she knows what happened to him and she had something to do with it."
"Shit.  We gotta get you out of here," he says.
"Why?  What's going on, Tyler?"
He grabs my elbow and starts herding me towards the door.
My heart is hammering in my chest and quickly moving into my throat.
I hardly get the key in the outside lock before he's half dragging me towards his car.  "Miss Miranda, I gotta get you someplace safe.  She's been lying to me.  All this time,  she said she was trying to rekindle your friendship.  She knew what was spray painted on your trailer. I never told her.  Just that it was a bad word. This is her earring.  Only a rich lady would have a diamond this size.  Oh, God, what have I done?"
Missy steps around one of the pumps.  "Now, now, Tyler.  Are you speaking ill of me?"  Her crazy smile glows under the yellowy lights above the pump.  She looks like something out of  a horror movie.
"Jesus," he says, then steps in front of me.  "Missy, you need to rethink this.  Miss Miranda, she doesn't want to be your friend anymore.  So, you just need to move on with your life."
Missy grins.  "Shut up, you stupid bumpkin.  This is between Miranda and me."  She peeks around him and smiles sweetly.  "Let's go for a little ride."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
She sighs heavily as she looks up at the sky.  "I knew you'd say that.  That's why I brought along a persuader."  She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a gun.  It's tiny but there is no doubt in my mind that it's real.
"You're gonna have to shoot me, cause I'm not going anywhere with you."  My stomach is churning.  She's crazy.  She just might take me up on that offer.
"Once again, I had a feeling you were going to say that.  And you know what?  I'm pretty sure you would rather take a bullet than do what I ask. So, I bet I can get you to come with me, without saying another word."
Dread moves through me as she looks over at Tyler.  She smiles flirtatiously at him.  "Baby, help me convince Miranda to come with me."
I hear the pop of the gun and see Tyler topple over, hitting the hood of his car.
"My leg," he cries.  "Oh, God, it hurts."
Miranda doesn't blink just looks from him to me.  "See?"
"Tyler, I'm gonna get you some," I say, but I'm unable to finish.
"Let's go," she says.
"I'm not gonna leave him, not like this."
Tyler is writhing on the ground.
"Whatever.  Come on, Tyler."
The weird thing is, she sounds bored.  Like we're being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic.
"I can't walk," he moans
"Well, you better figure out some way or I'll shoot your other leg."
Reaching down I grab his arm and put it over my shoulder.   "I got you.  Put your weight on me.  We're going to get some help for you."
He looks at me with tear filled eyes.  "I'm sorry.  I'm so, so sorry."
To be continued ...


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