Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted January 25, 2023 Chapters: Prologue -Prologue- 3... 

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A chapter in the book Homelessness

Prologue for Homelessness

by Ricky1024

The Prologue for the Book Entitled
Written on January 25th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved''

After a long and lustrious relationship with a man.
Joseph Vigil whom I once considered
(For the past 17 years) my best friend.
A blessed man as he states on his telephone answering machine....
'Have a blessed day,'
Yes, my best friend.
And because of a woman.
Dawn Deborah Reel aka.Miss Dee Dee.
Yes, whom I helped and brought into that household.
(October 14th of this past year)
I have now, unfortunately been left "Homeless"
Yes, the 13th of this past January.
Come into the World?
"The World of Homelessness?"
And, let's learn together what it feels like?
Yes, to not know where you will be sleeping tonight??
Whether or not you'll be getting a meal?
Whether you will be safe tonight or have to spend another.
Another in the outside world?
Yes, where the temperatures can be extremely mad as cruel!
Yes, where you're forced to scratch and crawl and gruel?
Never another the feeling of God's Peace and Serenity in the outside world?
Yes, where it is dangerous and it's now "Man eat Man?
Whether or not should you sleep with your possessions hidden?
Hidden and protected?
Protected under the covers for when you wake up?
Maybe they could possibly be gone forever?
"The Book Homelessness"
(The First Chapter)
"Gone Forever?"

God the Almighty, feel as if I've been "Gone Forever?"
And God is just the way it's supposed to be?
To be or not to be?
It now feels as if the Whole World has turned against me!
Lost the Sun...
Then lost the Moon...
Lost the Sun's shine.
Lost the Moon's glow.
(Don't you know?)
Lost the only son...
Lost that house...
Lost the career job...
Lost the only wife...
Now God it feels...
As if...
Approximate Word Count:440

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Writer and Amazing Writer,
And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Saguaro"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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